Hannah Lerner
HED 343
15 November 2016
Descriptive Epidemiology Report
Tourette’s Syndrome is a disease of the nervous system in which people have uncontrollable tics.1 Tics are sudden movements that occur repeatedly and are the major symptom of Tourette’s. There are two types of tics, motor and vocal. Motor tics are body movements and vocal tics are sounds.2 Common examples of tics are excessive eye blinking, movements of the neck, shoulder or limbs, throat clearing and grunting.3 These tics are extremely difficult to control and worsen during times of high stress or excitement. Tics are less severe during periods of calmness and focus. 3Activities requiring fine motor control, such as playing an instrument or reading
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Data source: 2011-2012 National Survey of Children’s Health. Tourette’s defined: Parents provided information on whether a health professional has ever diagnosed their child with Tourette’s or other specific conditions, answering yes or no.
1. Bitsko RH, Holbrook JR, Visser SN, et al. A National Profile of Tourette Syndrome, 2011–2012. Journal of developmental and behavioral pediatrics : JDBP. 2014;35(5):317-322. doi:10.1097/DBP.0000000000000065.
2. Tourette Syndrome: An Overview - Tourette Association of America. Tourette Association of America. https://www.tourette.org/about-tourette/overview/. Accessed November 15, 2016.
3. Swain JE, Scahill L, Lombroso PJ, King RA, Leckman JF. Tourette Syndrome and Tic Disorders: A Decade of Progress. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry. 2007;46(8):947-968. doi:10.1097/chi.0b013e318068fbcc.
4. National Survey of Children's Health - Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. National Survey of Children's Health - Data Resource Center for Child and Adolescent Health. http://childhealthdata.org/learn/nsch. Accessed November 11,
Another social and communication disorder is Asperger syndrome, this is characterised by the following; the individual may have difficulties in social interactions, a restricted range of interests, repetitive behaviours and also they may have a delay in motor development. This may be shown in the individual 's clumsiness or uncoordinated movements, however, those with Asperger 's syndrome don’t have significant delays in both language and cognitive development. There are a number of different symptoms of Asperger 's yet it is unlikely that they would all be present in one person. Each
Tourette syndrome is a disorder that is found in the nervous system and is most commonly found in children. Forms of Tourette’s can range from being severe to being mild, causing people to have motor or vocal tics. “Other symptoms such as the expression of socially inappropriate comments or behaviors, obsessive compulsive disorder, attention deficit disorder, self-injuring behavior, depression, and anxiety also appear to be associated with Tourette syndrome” (Tourette syndrome, 1). Tourette’s mainly affects children and teens. It occurs less as you get older. During the late teen years, the severity of Tourette’s decreases. “Some of the suggested risk factors include severe psychological trauma, recurrent daily stresses, extreme emotional excitement, PANDAS (pediatric autoimmune neuropsychiatric disorder with streptococcal infection), and drug abuse” (Tourette syndrome, 1). Tourette’s can effect someone negatively, due to some of the actions that can occur. People misunderstand people with Tourette’s,
Campolo believed that “evangelical Christianity had been hijacked because it had seemingly become anti-gay, anti-feminist, anti-muslim, and pro-war. According to Campolo, the Religious Right hijacked it because they believed to be evangelical you had to be a radical conservative and hate everything you don’t believe in, rather than respecting them.
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According to Dr. Paula Cook, specialist in teaching students with NBB, about 10 percent of students cannot control what they say or do reliably. They are found in almost all schools but they do not all have the same disorder or disease. There are a number of different disorders all under the same title: NBB. In my reflection I will briefly explain the most common NBB diagnoses along with their symptoms
Research is continually being conducted everyday with this common disorder. Many parents main concerns is the use of medication to treat their child. Many doctors nowadays show the parents the current research of studies being done and their effectiveness as well as providing papers for families for their willingness to participate in ongoing studies to better help understand their childs disorder and the best way to treat it ( Görtz-dorten, Breuer, Hautmann, Rothenberger, Döpfner, 2011).
“Tuberculosis (TB), a multisystem disease with myriad presentations and manifestations, is the most common cause of infectious disease–related mortality worldwide. Although TB rates are decreasing in the United States, the disease is becoming more common in many parts of the world. In addition, the prevalence of drug-resistant TB is increasing worldwide. TB is caused by M tuberculosis, a slow-growing obligate aerobe and a facultative intracellular parasite. The organism grows in parallel groups called cords (as seen in the image below). It retains many
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Calgary musician Krzysztof Sujata’s Valiska project makes music that toes the line between ambient and drone - often relying on peaceful soundscapes dotted with piano to set a framework, then occasionally building to a towering crescendo with a web of static. It’s all very naturally motivated, though - fittingly for its album art, Repetitions is sparsely organic, with plenty of room to breathe chilly and cozy breaths. It’s a record that challenges you to take much from very little - over 40 minutes, there is rarely any rhythmic movement. It’s true ambient music, and while it sometimes falls into uninspired territory, Repetitions is still quite an interesting, minimalistic world to explore.
To an untrained observer, ODD may appear as the mildest form of the three disorders; however, this misunderstanding is based on observations of a limited set of behaviors that are characteristic of ASPD which do not apply to ODD. ODD is an early onset disorder, and as such, the behaviors characteristic of the disorder are characteristic of children: angry or irritable moods, argumentative or defiant behavior, and vindictiveness. These behaviors are not present in ASPD or CD. In fact, the defining characteristic that separates the behaviors observed in ODD and CD disorders is that the behaviors observed in CD impedes the basic rights of others or violate the major age-appropriate societal norms but ODD exhibit internalized behaviors that may simply annoy
Tourette Syndrome (TS), first described by Gilles de la Tourette, can be the most debilitating of the tic disorders and is characterized by multiform, frequently changing motor and vocal or phonic tics. There are multiple diagnostic criteria, as defined in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders IV.
Additional impairments have been noted. These include: anxiety, depression, short-term memory problems, and attention problems (Appleford School, 2008; Vasconcelos, 2009). As such, a variety of comorbid disorders have also been identified, such as ADHD, dyslexia, and Asperger’s syndrome. Due to the high prevalence of co-occurrence, some psychologists question
Tourette syndrome (TS) is a disorder of the brain that is observed in people who have involuntary movements or vocalizations called tics. Named after Dr. Georges Gilles de la Tourette who first discovered this disorder, this French neurologist described a noblewoman who exhibited these symptoms in 1885. These tics could range from repetitive movements to inappropriate vocalizations.
Fear is a common emotion exhibited by people who stutter (PWS). The fear of negative evaluation is commonly displayed by PWS (Fjola, 1246); when this fear is significantly excessive, the PWS may meet the criteria for a clinical diagnosis of social anxiety (Brundage, Winters, & Beilby, p. 499). Social anxiety frequently causes PWS to isolate themselves from social interactions, and, when in situations, to utilize safety behaviors to prevent stuttering and reduce anxiety. Safety behaviors consequently maintain social anxiety in PWS rather than exacerbate the disorder (Lowe et al., 2017, pp. 1246-1247). More is known regarding the development of social anxiety is adults who stutter (AWS) than the information pertaining to children who stutter (CWS) and their fear of negative evaluation which results in social anxiety (Iverach, Menzies, O’Brian, Packman, & Onslow, 2011, p. 228). The difference in available information may be due to the thought that social anxiety is a short-term effect in CWS but a life-long effect in AWS (Iverach, Jones, McLellan, Lyneham, Menzies, Onslow, & Rapee, 2016, p. 15).
“Every man 's life ends the same way. It is only the details of how he lived and how he died that distinguish one man from another,” (Hemingway). The details of Ernest Hemingway’s life are nothing short of remarkable. The dash between the dates on his gravestone more than distinguish him from the notable mid-century authors he competed with. The life and works of Hemingway has stimulated the minds of people all over the world for the last one-hundred and sixteen years. The years of success and the years when his life was nothing short of turmoil interests people to this day. The marked impact of Ernest Hemingway’s clouded life and works has transcended his generation, and his undying quest for adventure continues to influence society today. He remains as one of the most renowned authors and journalist of his era ("Ernest Hemingway.").