This week we were assigned to read chapter twelve which shed light on the topic of stalking and homicide. This chapter really defined the term stalking and what it actually consists of such as the warning signs. It also brings attention to what laws are in place for stalking and how police officers are to handle cases of stalking. The book defined the term stalking as a distinct form of criminal activity because of its pattern of behavior that is intended to cause harm or to instill fear in a person. Following or harassing someone typically characterizes the offense. (Gosselin, 2014, pg. 290) When one thinks of a stalker the first think that tends to come to mind is someone following you. Even though stalkers do follow their victims often this is just one of the many behaviors a stalker possess. The book does say that there is no template for the actions of a stalker but there are key behaviors that are persistent and that qualify as being a stalker. The first key behavior which I have already mentioned above is following. This most common behavior we see with stalkers and it’s used by the perpetrator to instill fear into their victim. An example of this is following your victim all day and then making contact with them and making them aware that you the perpetrator …show more content…
The majority of states do not require an police officer to have warrant to arrest someone who is accused of stalking to be exact forty-nine states do not require this. In my opinion I feel like this is a positive police and I support it. I think this is a good policy because stalking is so unique and there are so many warning sign that qualify as probable cause for an arrest by having no warrant needed victims are able to be protected before it is too late. I am glad to know that know warrant is needed in cases of stalking so that victims can feel safe
Holmes ST, Hickey E, Holmes RM. Female Serial Murderesses: Constructing Differentiating Typologies. Journal of Contemporary Criminal Justice. 1991 [accessed 2017 Feb 17];7(4):245–256.
The pursuer believes it prey does not exist outside of the purpose of entertaining or pleasing itself. An example of this would be cat-calling. It is a form of sexual objectification. Men who cat-call at women do not view them as autonomous and equal beings, capable of self-determination and decision making with regards to their own life. But at the same time many men who cat-call treat women as though they are more capable of having strong feelings and emotional responses. I mean, men are often looking for a woman to have a relationship with. They desire something that they do not have. Since cat-calling is probably the only way these men know how to mate then their motivation for a relationship with a woman won’t stop even though their success rate is very
Stalking is a terrifying and potentially lethal crime that seems to be on the rise in recent years. While the act itself can be displayed in a variety of ways with many different motivations, the effects on the victims always result in some sort of fear, anxiety, and paranoia among others, along with crippling the victim financially. The media portrayal of stalking can lead to misconceptions about the crime and minizations of the behavior by the general public can lead to a secondary victimization and cause the crime to go unreported. Although anti-stalking laws exist they vary from state to state and may not always provide the adequate of protection, even a person convicted of stalking will only serve a year or less in prison if no other charges
There are so many people view obsessive love as a taboo and something to be criticized, however Spitzberg and Cupach, Allez, and Shimizu explains how different types of stalkers tend to do things differently when it comes to their victims. Helen Fisher only provided the necessity to back them up. I notice that Allez wanted the readers to know that it is needed to understand why stalkers do what they do, but not to forgive their behavior. This entire journey of writing and revising was a struggle, but I got through. With fried brain cells and a whole lot of energy drinks. It’s odd for me to say that I had fun researching and getting new knowledge on a topic not everyone is comfortable with. Before all of this new information taking up all the
Stalking has been a label for a long-term pattern of persistent pursuit and intrusive behavior directed by one person toward another (Logan & Cole, 2007). It is a term that has been around since
Prior to the early 1990’s there were not any anti-stalking statues in the United States leaving many victims with little protection or help available from the legal system. This changed however in 1990 when California became the first state in the union to pass a state-wide anti-stalking law which declares that “any person who willfully, maliciously, and repeatedly follows or willfully and maliciously harasses another person and who makes a credible threat with the intent to place that person in reasonable fear for his or her safety, or the safety of his or her immediate family is guilty of the crime of stalking” (Cal Pen Code § 646.9, 2008), in this case the law indentifys a credible threat as a verbal or written threat, which can be sent electronically either through a computer, cellphone, or others, that the offender has the means to carry out. However, while California and the other
Stalking is high rising crime and one that causes severe victimization in a variety of ways, along with the different avenues in which people can harass and stalk there are also many ways to help combat it such as the anti-stalking laws. However, due to the unclear nature of the crime they are difficult to enforce along with the re-victimization of many individual due to an assortment of factors shows that this area needs to be stricter and more concise to help victims.
n the tremendous book Eye of a Stalker, Shelby receives an email from the stalker in chapter 11. The email said many eerie and disturbing things that freaked Shelby and I out. Shelby got very scared and started to cry because of the email. Shelby told her parents and they informed the police about the incident and they investigated it.
Body paragraph: The effects of being followed something that you don’t always hear about in the news. Which it sometimes can lead to "kidnaping" and a "sexual assault charges" on the person that kidnaped the person could spend time in jail, or they just deport them back to where they belong (by James E. Novak, P.L.L.C.). No little girl should be touched by any male or an adult or teen way older than them in that fact. Any one being followed is a potential victim of some kind of way. When you are out of the house you feel like they need a weapon at all times. A person may want to get something like mace, or a Taser or a baseball bat. They may want something that can keep them from attacking anyone.
stalked for a couple of block, which made her feel intimidated and how a men yield to her what
There is no guarantee that what works for one person will work for another. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. Consider getting a court order of protection. Take threats seriously. Trust your instincts. Do not downplay the danger. Do not communicate with stalker or respond to attempts to contact you. Keep evidence of stocking write down the time and date and place that it happened. Keep emails, texts, phone, letters or notes. Also, any injuries the stalker causes. Danger generally is higher when the stalker talks about suicide or murder, or when a victim tries to leave or end the relationship. Tell friends, family, roommate and coworkers about the
Obsessions cause havoc and can potentially ruin a person’s life, yet society normalizes and capitalizes on their effects. Obsessive thoughts and behaviors are becoming increasingly more common in today’s society. They can have many detrimental effects due to the lack of control it causes in a person. With the popularity of romantic comedies and love songs, borderline stalking behaviors are viewed as normal acts of love. The Great Gatsby, a novel written by F. Scott Fitzgerald, features a man hopelessly obsessed with a past girlfriend. Additionally, There’s Something About Mary is a movie about a man demonstrating stalker-like behavior toward a woman that he has been obsessed with since his childhood. Due to deficits in their own life and self-esteem,
In a way, they all have different views on which is the more dangerous type of stalking, but the end result will always be the same. The victim is hurt, emotionally and physically. Each person has a different tolerant level when it comes to pursuits. Too much is when ‘no’ is said, not when the stalker decides because when they do. It is too late; you will be dead. There can never be just one definitive answer as to what drives obsessive stalkers to overstep boundaries, or why violence is the answer after failure. Each fatal step contributes to the abnormal love that was deemed unfit in modern society. Helen Fisher backed up every claim the three authors provided because it is the base foundation where obsessive love begins. During the stage
Rape is a type of sexual assault usually involving sexual intercourse, which is initiated by one or more persons against another person without that person’s consent. The act maybe carried out by force, under threat, or with a person who is incapable with valid consent. The definition of rape varies both in different parts of the world and at different times in history. According to the American Medical Association, sexual violence, and rape in particular, is considered the most under-reported violent crime. When part of a widespread and systematic practice, rape and sexual slavery are recognized as crimes against humanity and war crimes.
Rape and sexual assault is a prevailing issue on college campuses. This is a social problem that needs to gain the attention of universities, law enforcement, students and society alike. Sexual victimization on campus is any non-consensual sexual acts against a person that is attending a university. Sexual victimization can take on many different forms, including but not limited to sexual harassment, stalking, groping, sexing, sexual imposition, sexual coercion, rape as well as several others.