
Descartes's Dualism Argument

Decent Essays

The theory of dualism states that the human body comprises of the mental and the physical components, which are separate substances with independent existence. Physical things are objects which occupy space, and we use our senses to perceive, such as bones and flesh. Mental things are abstract, existing only in thought and do not have extension in the physical world. In this paper, I will be discussing Descartes’s substantial dualism argument and refute his position by pointing out the inconsistency in his examples and give evidence that the brain and mind are one.
Here is how the Substance dualism is stated in the paper,
• (1) If we can exist without bodies, then we cannot be bodies.
• (2) We can exist without bodies.
• (3) Therefore, we cannot be bodies.
Premise 1
In the first premise, he argues that if the mind and body are one then the body cannot exist without the mind and vice versa. On the contrary, if the mind and body are separate, as substance dualists claim, then one can exist without the other. …show more content…

And this assumption raises issues if the person is not a believer of soul immortality. There is also overwhelming evidence from medical data which shows the connection between the brain and the mind. For example, when you touch colder water in in winter signals are sent to the from the brain to the mind and the mind sends back instructions to the brain to remove the hand. The removal of brain parts results in reduced mental cognition. From scientific evidence things like plants which do not have brains have no souls and there is nothing with a soul but without a brain. Therefore, there brain and the mind cannot exist without one

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