
Descartes Theory Of The Dream Argument In The First Mediation

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The notion of doubt can perceive the mind into thinking about the universal persona of the sense deceiving us. Descartes theory of the dream argument in the first mediation is that the senses do not have a way to be believable base on the perception, so therefore, the senses deceive our mind which causes doubt. Descartes states, to distinguish the dream experience from the wake experience is completely impossible. Which causes one to question all the perception in life because they are some of the same sensations while one is dreaming. So in this state of possibility that one can be dreaming at all times, all the perceptions in life are false experiences. They are merely lessons from your dream sequence that your mind is deceiving you. The senses deceive us when viewing small or far away objects, usually during non-ideal conditions. For example, have you ever thought you …show more content…

The argument is that the bits and pieces we see in our dreams originate from the images of the real-life experiences, they are just combined in our dream to see what our perception of them as an individual. So even if we have reason to doubt the qualities of our perception, it still not solidified by any means of reason. The conditions we face in real life whether successful or failure don’t have any reason to be doubted. Even the very basic of the components one experiences can have the perception that is based solely on our experiences. Our dreams pick up the essential parts, which we want to see and with this in mind one can distinguish the basis of not doubting the properties on the surface. For example, dreaming of an event such as a wrestling tournament, how you lost or how you win each match? Is the experience you're having a good one or bad one? The dream sequence picks up which part of the tournament you want to experience, so is this condition a way of objectifying that argument of doubting that those senses deceive

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