
Descartes Dreaming Argument Essay

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Descartes begins the method of doubt by how he was struck by the large number of falsehoods that he had accepted in his youth that was taken to be true, and how doubtful they were and had subsequently built upon them. Since he knows that many of his beliefs are based on false opinions, he is not sure which of them he can trust and which he can’t. Descartes presents his philosophical project, and claims that he needs to put into questions the truth of all his beliefs. Descartes shows that we can doubt the truth of all our beliefs by two main arguments, the Dream Argument and the Evil Genius argument.
I agree with the fact that Descartes suggest there isn’t any objective way to confirm whether we are awake. The dreaming argument gave us reason to doubt our sensory perception. At first, Descartes assumes we can establish whether or not we are dreaming purely from our actions and experiences, but on further observation, realizes that actually we do not have any way of distinguishing between being awake and being asleep. He intended this doubt about sensory experience to show that because we cannot know whether or not we are dreaming; we may be dreaming now or …show more content…

He does believe we can dream, I believe his theory behind this writing was to get us to break our belief on our sensory experience or placing doubt. First Descartes has to place doubt to get us thinking of why we dream rather than accepting that we just do. He’s dreaming argument beings with how strong and real his “dream” is. “Sitting by the fire, warm from the heat, writing by the glow of the fire”. Then he beings to place doubt, claiming that he has often had dreams which were so real that he thought he was sitting by the fire, when he was sleep in bed. He aims to show that we have no sure way of knowing that difference between dreaming and reality. Our senses do not always give us the right information about the

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