
Desalination Plants

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Environmental Impacts of 6.2 Temperature: in GCC most of the desalination plants are combined with power plants. Power plants produce water effluent with high temperatures. These water effluents are mixed with brine water from the desalination plant and discharge into sea water causing increasing the temperature of sea water. The average temperature of sea water in GCC in summer is 35 °C. the desalination plants and power plants brine discharge causing increasing in sea water temperatures between 7 °C to 8 °C(Dawoud & Al Mulla 2012) (Mohamed 2009). Most of the marine species can adapt to minor changes in salinity and temperatures. But it cannot adapt to exposure for continues change unfavorable conditions .that can lead to a change in species …show more content…

It is added to raw water in order to prevent microbial growth and biofouling (Dawoud & Al Mulla 2012). The Chlorine concentration in brine depends on the concentration of chlorine used in chlorination of the seawater and number of dosing per day (Mohamed 2009). Approximately 10 – 25 % of chlorine dosing concentration has been reported for distillation plants reject streams (Dawoud & Al Mulla 2012). In reverse osmosis desalination plants raw waters are chlorinated but its dechlorinates by adding sodium thiosulfate before the water enter the membrane, in order to prevent the membrane damage (Dawoud & Al Mulla 2012). The existence of chlorine in brine leading to a formation of hypochlorite and hypobromite in sea water, that effect sea water quality and ecological system (Dawoud & Al Mulla 2012). Chlorine affects the fish and marine invertebrates and causes burns in both of them. And that cause serious Damage to the marine organisms …show more content…

Brine from thermal plants is contaminated with copper due to corrosion. In RO desalination plant brine contain bits of iron, nickel, chromium and molybdenum. In RO plant, the contamination with metals is usually below the dangerous level. Copper concentration in RO plants rejects streams is between 15–100 μg/L. the copper concentrations in oceanic are naturally between 0.1 -100 μg/ GCC the concentration of heavy metals are very low. For example copper concentration in Qatar is , Desalination, vol. 185, pp. 57-70. o Mohamed, K. (2009).Environmental impact of desalination plants on the environment. Thirteenth International Water Technology Conference, 951-964. o Palomar, P & Losada, IJ (2010), Impacts of Brine Discharge on the Marine Environment. Modelling as a Predictive Tool, Desalination, Trends and Technologies, pp. 279-310. o SOL-BRINE 2009, Report on the evaluation of existing methods on brine treatment and disposal practices, LIFE+-Environment project. o Younos. T. (2005). Environmental Issues of Desalination. Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education. Universities Council on Water Resources UCOWR vol. 132 ,pp 11-18

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