
Dermatitis Case Studies

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Geraldine, my mother, had diabetes and dealing with numerous ailments; one of them is dermatitis covering 90% of her body and the other a broken elbow she encountered due to an accident. She developed dermatitis from poor hygiene; that was so severe that she had to endure the effects from the ailment for years because the doctors kept treating the symptoms, never explaining what the cause was. By treating the symptoms and never correcting what caused this problem infection set in, the disease caused her skin to break and ooze fluid causing the condition to spread to other parts of her body, not to mention the constant scratching she did throughout each day. After trying numerous antibiotic treatments, her body stops responding to treatment. After several medical opinions, a team of doctors studied …show more content…

The surgery went well, except days later, my family received a letter from the hospital stating that my mom had contacted some bacteria during the surgical procedure. Another incident that occurred throughout this ordeal is that the doctor explained that he missed pertinent information in her chart that she had diabetes or else he would have taken another approach because now my mother had developed pneumonia due to sepsis. She was taken to the Emergency Room because she had trouble breathing, the only recourse now was to induce a coma and put her on a respirator to allow her body to heal without the stress of not being able to aspirate enough air. My siblings and I made the tough decision of allowing this to happen with the idea that it would only be for a few days and things would be okay once they treated the sepsis and she began to breathe on her own. But as I previously stated her body was no longer responding to antibiotics because they tried too many different types over the course of two years and her body built up a resistance to it. Before long her organs started to fail, and she passed

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