
Depression: The Big Cause Of The Great Depression

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The 1920’s were a swinging party of an era. People learned what having a good time and living the American dream truly meant when they began partying all night, seeing movies, placing imaginary money into a new system called “credit”, and ignoring the impending doom that sat on the horizon. On October 29, 1929, tragedy struck America; the newly founded stock market crashed, and suddenly people were trying to sell off their bad stocks to people with no money, who were being hounded by banks trying to reclaim the imaginary money that turned out to be not so imaginary after all. This date marked the start of the era known as the Great Depression. The Depression would control the 30’s, leaving some on the lower levels of society struggling to survive, …show more content…

Credit was a new concept, and debt was now fashionable - there’s no question that people would take advantage of it. Unfortunately, this meant that people would place their invisible money on expensive items like cars, washing machines, stocks, etc. This was not the problem; the problem was when the bill came later, and people realized that the money wasn't so imaginary after all. Stock speculation was also a big problem; people would take this credit, or perhaps their little bits of real money, and place it into stocks. The problem? They didn’t really know how the stocks worked. They would just place their money into whatever stock sounded the best, without paying attention to whether or not the stocks were doing well, and at that point they would basically be throwing their money away. “With debt no longer regarded as shameful, people bought on installment,” said author William E. Leuchtenburg, “Three out of every four radios were purchased on the installment plan, 60[%] of all automobiles and furniture. In other words consumers bought goods on installment at a rate faster than their income was expanding…” (Doc 6). Leuchtenburg explains that people used credit to pay for things they couldn’t afford, and they spent more money in credit than they …show more content…

The 1% owned all the factories that the rest of the people worked in/for, and because of low government regulation they underpaid their workers. This underpayment relates back to the cycle of overstock, where, because the workers are underpaid, they cannot afford to buy products. These products, in most cases, especially for those in the lowest percentile of society, were essential to life. Paul Blanshard, a reporter for The Nation, wrote an article including a member of this low class. “My husband and I go to the mill at seven. He… gets $12.85 a week. You know he’s runnin’ four jobs ever since they put this stretch system on him and he ain’t getting [paid] any more than he used to get for one… I get $1.80 a day. That’s $9.95 a week for five and a half days… It takes about $16 a week to feed us. We get nearly all of it at the company store with jay flaps… the slips the company gives you for buying groceries… after you’ve worked all day… I make… all my own clothes… I send all the washin’ to the laundry. It costs nearly two dollars a week… Our rent in this house is only $1.30 a week…” (Doc 7). This interview provides valuable insight into the lives of the low class people living under the 1%

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