
Deontology: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Definitely, two terms that I have never come across and for that reason I needed to review other perspectives and definitions besides what is offered within the context of our text.
Regis University Rueckert-Hartman School for Health Professional offers the following definition:
• “Deontology (from the Greek deon, meaning "duty") refers to an ethical theory or perspective based on duty or obligation. A deontological, or duty-based, theory is one in which specific moral duties or obligations are seen as self-evident” (Rueckert-Hartman School for Health Professionals, 2016).
• “Teleology (from the Greek telos, meaning goal or end) describes an ethical perspective that contends the rightness or wrongness of actions is based solely on the goodness or badness of their consequences” (Rueckert-Hartman School for Health Professionals, 2016).
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Arguably, the U.S Constitution does not contain specific language guaranteeing health care. Opinions were given that the Preamble has wording that states: “promote the general welfare”. However, the preamble in all its righteousness is only an introduction into the principles that our forefathers believed in, and hoped would continue to guide the nation. Therefore, the development of our nation thru the years and seemingly as we move forward, we have taken the moral duty and obligations to provide a level of health care to our nations

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