
Dental Health And Autism Essay

Decent Essays

The goal of this literature search finds the relation between dental health and autistic children. After a search on many medical databases, 15 articles has matched this topic. The words: dental health, autism spectrum disorder, autistic children, oral manifestation were used as keywords. The following presents a brief summary of information were found in those articles. Autism is developmental disability condition that was discovered by Leo Kanner , an American child psychiatrist , in 1943. Dr. Kanner was observing a group of children who expressed some social and behavior problem, communication deficiencies and mental retardation. After his observation, he identified the disease as organic disorder distinguished by deformities in the brain structure and roles, especially the cerebellum and limbic system .The currency of autism has been growing over the last decade. Males …show more content…

Epidemiological researchers reported the age which autism can diagnose was 44 months, with a large change in the expression of symptoms between various individuals. The children with autism may express brain abnormalities, deficits in communication, weak muscle tone and abnormal emotional and social development.
Although there are no specific oral manifestations associated with autism spectrum disorder, many authors have found the prevalence of dental caries and of periodontitis to be no different compared to other individuals and in some cases, the prevalence of caries in autistic children may be lower. In contrast, caries susceptibility increased due to their diet, problem with masticatory abilities, and food pouching. Oral complication might arise because of behavioral factors that result in injury or interfere with the provisions of daily preventive oral care and professional oral

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