
Dental Assistant Research Papers

Decent Essays

As a kid, what did you want to do when you grew older? When I was about 8 years old I wanted to be doctor. But as I grew older, I knew fulfilling that dream of mine would not come true. I knew it wouldn’t come true because over the past couple years, I had changed my mind from becoming a doctor to either studying to become a dental assistant or a mechanic. The reason I had changed my mind was because I had became more fascinated in how to improve my hygiene and my fascination with cars. You may wonder how better improving my hygiene helped me to come to the conclusion that I wanted to become a dental assistant(which I'm getting to the point). I had started paying more attention to my hygiene the day that I had found out that I had 7 or 8 cavities. As soon as I had found that out, I realized that it was time for me to change how I take care of myself because I knew that I only get one body. As soon …show more content…

The last question that I recall asking my dentist is how long did it take him/her to complete dental school. All the dentist that I had asked had told me that it took them approximately 5-6 years to complete dental school. But then I decided to ask some of the assistants how long they had to go to school to get to where they are now. Out of the three assistants that I had asked, the first one informed me that it took her approximately 11 months to complete dental school. As soon as I had asked another assistant, he mentioned to me that it took him about another 2 months to complete the program. Finally, I asked the last lady that was working that day how long it took her to complete dentals school. If I remember right, she had mentioned to me that she started dental school at about the same time as one of coworkers —who had attended the same school— but he had to go to dental school for about 16

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