
Denied Claims Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

7. A person's right to appeal a denied claim was expanded under the Affordable Care Act. Now a person's insurance company is required to tell the person why they denied their claim, and they will have six months to try and appeal it. You can increase the chances of getting your appeal through by following some of these tips. Understand why the claim was denied, eliminate easy problems first, gather all your evidence, and submit the right paperwork. Before fighting a denied claim, you will need to understand why it was denied in the first place. Your explanation of benefits, a standard form which is sent by the insurance company whenever your claim is approved or denied, uses a set of codes to explain why the company came to their decision. Sometimes the claim may have be denied simply because of a data-entry error, such as a misspelled name, wrong date of service, or the insurance ID number was wrong. You will need to make sure that you have all the evidence to show all of the services you are looking to have covered were all medically necessary. It is possible that you may need to write a letter to the insurance company. If that is the case, …show more content…

Timely filing is the time frame set by each individual insurance company that you are sending the claims to. Each company has a different amount of time that they are willing to receieve the patient's claims by. For example, an insurance company may have a 90 day timely filing limit, which means that you would need to make sure you send all of your claims to them before that 90 time period is up. If you do not send your claims in to the insurance company by the specified timely filing limit, than your claims will automatically be denied, and there is not anything that can be done about that. Putting timely filing limits on claims makes it so that all the claims are sent in as soon as possible. This makes it easier for the doctors to get their money and for the insurance companies to process the claims in a timely

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