Dengue is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito named as Aedis aegypti. It has four serotypes. Hence, It can also be transmitted by a bite of an infected with one of the four dengue virus serotypes. Dengue is not transmitted directly from person-to-person. on this earth , approximately more than one-third of the world’s population are at risk for infection by dengue virus. Dengue virus is a very important cause of sickness and mortality in the areas located on tropics and subtropics. Approximately 400 million people are infected yearly. (CDC) There are not yet any vaccines available to prevent infection with dengue virus. The most efficient measures are those that avoid mosquito bites, vector control and precautions. After
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It needs water holding containers and places for their development and blood meals from humans. The mosquito lays her eggs on the sides of containers, which are filled with water, and these eggs hatch into larvae after a rain or flooding. To note, the eggs when submerged in water can survive for months. Later on, a larva changes into a pupa in about a week and into a mosquito in two days.
In Asia and America, it breeds mainly in man-made containers and in Africa, it breeds in places as tree holes and leaf axils and also in artificial containers. Artificial containers are those which are kept to collect rainwater or that are filled with water by human population.
The mosquito Aedes aegypti comes in three polytypic forms: The domestic form breeds in urban habitat, often around or inside houses. The sylvan form is a more rural form, and breeds in tree holes, generally in forests. The peridomestic form thrives in environmentally modified areas such as coconut groves and farms.
Temperatures have a significant affect on the replication of viruses. Higher temperatures can reduce the time required for the virus to replicate and disseminate in the mosquito. If the mosquito becomes infectious faster as it does in the regions and areas where temperatures are warmer, it has a much likely chance of biting and infection a human before it perishes.
Aedis albopictus is an another form of vector for dengue in Asia and pacific. This vector was also
Pest Control Frisco Tx wants to help protect you and your family from the potential health problems associated with mosquitoes. There are several dangerous virus strains that are spread through mosquitoes including West Nile and Zika. You can reduce the chances of your family becoming sick from West Nile or Zika by protecting them from mosquito bites. These tips will give you the information you need to protect your family from mosquito bites while they are outdoors.
By getting the virus from a bite the mosquito must already be infected itself. There are studies currently happening trying to figure out how long exactly does the virus stay inside the semen and vaginal fluids of those who are infected, also being studied is how long it can be passed to their partners. Although the U.S. hasn't seen any cases of the disease being transmitted by blood transfusion it has been seen in other places in the world. An example would be the French Polynesian outbreak, around 2% of those donating blood tested positive for Zika however, in previous outbreaks the virus was also found. Just one case in the United States shows of someone getting ill through a laboratory yet, prior situations show four cases of someone getting the virus in a laboratory
It spreads to humans primarily through the bite of an infected mosquito species (Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus). Symptoms of this virus is either mild or do not have any symptoms at all. If it does show any symptoms, then it lasts up to a week. If pregnant women are infected with Zika virus then it can result in birth defects called microcephaly and even other severe brain defects.
West Nile Virus is known as an arthropod-born virus, or an arbovirus, and are transmitted and sustained within blood feeding arthropods, such as the mosquito. The disease, while having no apparent effect on the host, is then transmitted as the mosquito takes a blood meal. As the source of infection, the mosquito or other blood feeding arthropod is known as a primary vector. However, because the life cycle of the mosquito is reletively short an additional host is needed to maintain the life cycle of the virus.
Matthew Wilson Professor DeHay CSS 1302-21 3 October 2016 Zika Virus Speech Outline 1) Introduction a) Mosquitoes can harbor the Zika virus. b) The Zika virus is a flavivirus that originated in tropical Africa. c) Thesis – New information is available about the transmission, symptoms, and risks associated with the Zika virus from scientists and medical personnel who are working to reduce its spread worldwide. 2) Zika is a contagious virus that can be transmitted through both mosquito-to-person, and person-to-person interaction. a) Mosquito to person interaction i) Two-thirds of the world’s population lives in Aedes infested areas (Ibrahim, 2).
West Nile virus is found on every continent except Antarctic. “West Nile virus was first isolated in Uganda in 1937 from the blood of a native Ugandan woman, and until the end of the 20th century was considered a cause of viral encephalitis limited only in Africa and Asia.” It did not become a global concern until 1999 when it was introduced to North New York City Hundreds to thousands of cases before 1996 were mostly in rural populations and were rarely severe. The primary host of West Nile virus is avian species, birds. Other infected organisms can include humans and other mammals with horses being the most common. The main way the disease is transmitted is through a bite of infected mosquitoes, specifically Culex species. The virus may also be transmitted between individuals through blood transfusions, organ transplantations, and although rare it can be transmitted from the mother to newborns either through intrauterine route or breast-feedings. West Nile virus can be dived into seven genetic lineage strains. “Lineage one is the most widespread, containing isolate found in Europe, North America, Asia, Africa, and Australia… Lineage two strains are mainly distributed in Sub-Saharan Africa and Madagascar, but in the last decade they have been introduced in Europe. Lineage three contains a strain
West Nile Virus (WNV) is a disease that generally is transmitted by mosquitos and can infect a number of organisms along with humans. Typically this virus reaches its peak of transmission when mosquitoes are most prevalent throughout the year, these months being from spring to fall. Fortunately, those who are infected with this illness generally do not show symptoms but those who do, can develop a fever which can sometimes result in a wide range of symptoms even death. It is important to take precautions during the peak months of mosquito abundance; precautions include wearing clothing that covers the body or even wearing bug repellent. It is important to understand this disease because it affects the human species and can result in death. Furthermore, we have seen a fluctuation in where this disease occurs over the years. We may see an outbreak in one state, but the following year may be different and no outbreak may occur. Lastly, the goal of this study is to investigate and determine what variables contribute to these fluctuations in this avian borne illness.
West Nile virus is the most significant exotic mosquito-borne disease that has come to the contiguous United States in the last century. Outbreaks have proven extremely difficult to predict and control and have been associated with considerable morbidity. The large outbreak in 2012, which caught many by surprise, indicates that West Nile virus will remain a formidable public health challenge for years to come (“FAQ: West Nile Virus,” par. 3).
When education is replaced with credentialing, Jane Jacobs is correct in believing that something is lost. To understand what is lost, philosophers should examine the relationship, especially the differences, between credentialing and education and the role authenticity, as defined by Charles Taylor, plays in both. While the focus on credentialing remains, education and authenticity will be incompatible with each other. The act of going to post-secondary educational institutions can be seen as an act of conformation because that is what most people do to get a job, which goes against the moral ideal of self-fulfillment. Furthermore, a loss of personal relationships in an attempt to further one's career does not allow an individual to discover
The West Nile Virus, which originated in Africa, is a deadly disease typically transmitted by mosquitoes to humans and mammals. However, the virus can also cycle between humans and birds. A small number of cases have been transmitted through blood transfusions, organ transplants, being exposed in a lab, and a mother to baby during pregnancy, delivery or breastfeeding.
West Nile virus is transmitted by numerous mosquito species and can vary geographically. The American Association of Equine Practitioners says, “The virus and mosquito host interactions result in
The ability to evolve so quickly is related to the high reproduction rate. This is a major obstacle because insecticides play a large role in controlling the mosquito population, which is the malaria vector. Environmental changes such as climate changes cause the spread of mosquitoes into new areas where as before was not viable. Changing the landscaping from areas such as farmland with animals to plants will change the primary blood meal of mosquitoes. Variation in mosquito behavior is an obstacle because it was once thought that mosquitoes only feed for blood meals in houses yet this is not true. Mosquitoes are as likely if not more to feed outside. It is hard to identify behavioral patterns of and animal especially one of such
Vector-borne disease organisms are important factors that promote the evolutionary increases of virulence. Disease organisms transmitted through vectors like mosquitoes, tend to be much more damaging than diseases that are simply transmitted by people coughing or sneezing (droplet transmission). In vector- borne diseases immobilizing the host does not prevent transmission, but it might even enhance it. Experimental studies indicate that mosquitoes are better able to bite a laboratory animal when it is sick with a vector-borne disease such as malaria than when it is healthy
I will be explaining the following; Queer Theory, Radical feminism, sex=gender, biology is not destiny, youth non conformity, hegemonic masculinity, transgender and gender based harassment. I have used these six concepts because they highlight how sexuality and gender are constructed by society. This construction causes a heterosexual norm, which some people do not identify under. I have focused on Queer Theory because it depicts what is considered ‘normal’ regarding gender and sexuality. I also chose Radical theory to show how the construction of gender and sexuality can have a negative effect on women.
Aprender una lengua extranjera es una parte vital de la educación infantil. Many high school students would look at this statement and accept the fact that they will never be able to understand it without Google Translate. This alone is an issue that must be brought to attention. The ability to comprehend a foreign language such as French, Spanish, or Japanese is a vital skill that high schoolers should acquire. Currently, most competitive colleges call for at least two years of foreign language classes in high school. All colleges should require applicants to study a foreign language because it improves understanding of other cultures, creates better job prospects, and has positive effects on the brain.