
Dengue Epidemic : Dengue Virus

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Dengue is transmitted by the bite of a mosquito named as Aedis aegypti. It has four serotypes. Hence, It can also be transmitted by a bite of an infected with one of the four dengue virus serotypes. Dengue is not transmitted directly from person-to-person. on this earth , approximately more than one-third of the world’s population are at risk for infection by dengue virus. Dengue virus is a very important cause of sickness and mortality in the areas located on tropics and subtropics. Approximately 400 million people are infected yearly. (CDC) There are not yet any vaccines available to prevent infection with dengue virus. The most efficient measures are those that avoid mosquito bites, vector control and precautions. After …show more content…

It needs water holding containers and places for their development and blood meals from humans. The mosquito lays her eggs on the sides of containers, which are filled with water, and these eggs hatch into larvae after a rain or flooding. To note, the eggs when submerged in water can survive for months. Later on, a larva changes into a pupa in about a week and into a mosquito in two days.
In Asia and America, it breeds mainly in man-made containers and in Africa, it breeds in places as tree holes and leaf axils and also in artificial containers. Artificial containers are those which are kept to collect rainwater or that are filled with water by human population.
The mosquito Aedes aegypti comes in three polytypic forms: The domestic form breeds in urban habitat, often around or inside houses. The sylvan form is a more rural form, and breeds in tree holes, generally in forests. The peridomestic form thrives in environmentally modified areas such as coconut groves and farms.
Temperatures have a significant affect on the replication of viruses. Higher temperatures can reduce the time required for the virus to replicate and disseminate in the mosquito. If the mosquito becomes infectious faster as it does in the regions and areas where temperatures are warmer, it has a much likely chance of biting and infection a human before it perishes.
Aedis albopictus is an another form of vector for dengue in Asia and pacific. This vector was also

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