
Demographic Transition Of Pre Industrial

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demographic transition theory is a widespread explanation of the changing mold of humanity, fertility and increase rates as civilizations move from one demographic system to another. “The term was first coined by the American demographer Frank W. Notestein in the mid-twentieth century, but it has since been elaborated and expanded upon by many others” (The Demographic Transition, 2012). There are four stages of demographic transition.
The first stage of the demographic transition is called pre-industrial. In this stage, the population is stable. The birth and death rates are both high. The death rates are at a high due to the increase of disease, poor medical and personal hygiene care along with the limited supplies of food. With the death rates being high, people are having more babies to help with mortality rates being so high. With the birth and death rates being equal, the population growth stays at a zero.
The second stage of the demographic transition theory is called the transitional stage. In this state the population starts to increase. This happens because the birth rates are high and the death rates are starting to decline. The second stage is when the “development of modern medicine and food distribution is started to take hold and the death rate starts to diminish.” (Saucedo, 2011)
The reason the death rates are starting to decline is due to the reason that the country is transitioning into an industrial county. This means that there are improvements in the

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