Democracy in ancient Athens
In ancient Greek life one of their trademarks was the polis, or city state. “The city-states were small, independent communities which were male-dominated and bound together by race.”(Steven Kreis 2000) Membership in the polis was important and was only passed down to someone within the citizen family, being male. In a polis, citizens are part of a selected part of a group that is superior to the rest of society. The members that are not part of the body of citizens are woman, slaves, and peasants. Men held the power in any given polis.
Families that are related by blood in a polis are considered to be strong. The boys would grow up with each other in school and later grow up and fight alongside one another in war. The men would debate in public assemblies, elected a male representative as a magistrate. In the society of the polis citizens were required to participate in military services, intellectual discussions, and religious ceremonies. They were also required to demonstrate and believe in politics and justice. These citizens did not have responsibilities but duties. If they did not uphold their duty they were considered the destruction of their society.
Every city-state was unique and different form one another. Not one polis was the same as another. They strived to have their own identity. Ancient Greek was mainly hundreds of city-states among the region acting as their own independent corridor. The importance of the polis is what
In doc A paragraph two, I think that The Ancient Athens Democracy is democratic because it claims in the document that the Athens leader clearly respects his soldiers. This is noticed because he made a speech at a funeral for all of them that had died in the first year against Sparta’s soldiers.The leader did this to respectfully show his appreciation about how they fight for their democracy.
In Document A, it distinctly states “ Our constitution favors the many instead of the few,’’ however if that were so, why could only twelve percent of the population vote (Document C). Plato, a wise philosopher, concluded that women should have the same education and withhold all positions in society (Guided Reading Activity 1-2 question 10). A dispute that even the American government had to fix back in the 1920s (Amendment 19), and still this day, has been addressed. As shown, if the constitution favors the many, 100 percent of the population should vote.
Even though Athens was the birthplace of democracy Athens, itself, was not a democracy. The reason why they are not considered a democracy is because of the 240,235 people only 12% or 29,900 of the population were allowed to vote. Men were the only citizens who could vote (Document C). The Franchise was open to all the men who were citizens by birth only. Both parents had to be citizens as well. Women weren’t allowed to be part of the Franchise (Document B).
democracy is a form of government in which people come together and make laws for the benefit of the country for example, here in the united states people have the right to vote, have equal rights, pursuit of happiness and practice in any religion of your choice. ancient athens did not have a true democracy. In ancient athens Women, free foreigners and slaves were excluded from voting, the government body could decide if you were a citizen or not. Also, women weren't allowed to vote unless they married a citizen. Therefor there constitution did not favor democracy.
These self-governed city-states were governed by the natural laws of the universe. The polis also had a psychological pull to the point where it was infested into the art, religion, literature and philosophy (Document 1). In a way similar to India though, everyone identified first and foremost with their polis identity, like the Indians did with their caste system (Document 1). The way to gain power in Greece was not though money, but through family names and heritage, but in 330 BC, Cleisthenes created the basis of his reform for Greece: the demes (Document 2). By doing this he takes out the powerful noble families and gives the lower class the power to decide what happens with their government and therefore became more “deme-ocratic.” He did many things to change the structure of Greece to make it fairer. For example he took the original four tribes of Greece and redistributed them into ten different tribes so now the tribes can have more “civic rights.” Another example of what Cleisthenes did to fix things was that he increased the Council members from 400 to 500. Now each tribe was only sending fifty representatives, instead of the original hundred. Finally, one last example is that Cleisthenes divided Greece up into thirty parts. Ten urban and suburban, ten costal and ten inland and each of these contained its own special number of demes. Now, men were to be identified first by their demes name, which is very similar to India’s recognition of their caste name or level (Document
The athens lived their lives as an oligarchy. According to The Athenian Constitution “The franchise is open to all men who are of citizen and birth by both parents.” This means that women or anyone else except for men who were citizens could not vote whatsoever. In document A it says “That their constitution favors many instead of the few”. Although Women, Children of citizens, Metics,
Ancient Greece was famous for its art and ideas. Greek people were very creative in great epics, history, dramas, philosophy, science, mathematics, and medicines. The ancient Greece was covered with mountains, rocky hills, and narrow valleys. Greek later became educated about trading with the Mediterranean. Modern Democracy is more concerned about peace, division of power and providing equal rights of every citizen of a country however, in the ancient Greece was involved with war among the state, misuse of political power, discriminate slaves and poor farmers.
Ancient Athens was not truly democratic because the middle class was in charge of politics. The upper and lower classes were not in politics at all. It was not democratic because the only people that could vote were men who are of citizen birth by both parents. People whose parent is a slave could not become a citizen so they could not vote. Democracy was excluding women, free foreigners and slaves.
Polis can be translated from Greek to mean city and refers to the Greek city-states(, 2017).In ancient Greece, during the archaic and classical-era, city-states was how Greece divided itself. A polis was, essentially, " its own small country"(Brand, P. J., n.d.). A polis was independent of their neighboring polis. They answered only to themselves, and no one else.Think of the states within the United States of America. Each has its own capital, a system of government, laws, constitution, natural resources, and approach to dealing with the general public. Now, imagine if there was no federal government, making sure the states do what is right, and keeping the peace between the states. Each state would look
The Greeks created first democracy in the world. People voted for their leaders, and were involved in public life. Greeks philosopher provided the origin of western philosophy, medicine, and natural sciences. Greek architecture is evident in every court in the U.S. Greeks invented drama. Drama is the form of tragedy and comedy. Minoan culture around (2000 B.C.E. - 1400 B.C.E.) was earliest civilization in the Aegean region emerged on the large island of Crete. By 2800 B.C.E., to make weapons they used metals, especially bronze. Minoan had many trade networks. The peasant paid high taxes. Mycenaean culture around (1600 B.C.E- 1100 B.C.E.) was highly militaristic society. The king collected taxes and controlled bronze and wooden production. The
“Polis is a term that is used to describe a tight knit small community of Ancient Greek citizens who agreed on certain rules and customs. Usually a polis was centered on a small town and the countryside the surrounded it” (Deering). The polis defined a public and communal space, the Agora, for the purpose of leading public affairs. The affairs of men and affairs were included as these had essentials parts to the entire community’s affairs. The Ancient Greek poleis are among the first recorded democratic governments in the world. The term polis has been translated into city-state as there was typically only one city and because an individual polis was independent from other poleis in terms of political, judicial, legal, religious and social institutions and practices (Cartwright). A polis offered security for its inhabitants and gave organization to government through structure, function and hierarchy.
This demonstrates to which extent women were autonomous and allowed to make their own decisions. In fact the independence that a Spartan woman had allowed her to divorce her husband if he was unable to give her children. In contrast, in the Macedonian culture, women in the ruling class had a similar and even greater power in the society comparing to the women in Sparta. Just as in Sparta, women rule during the absence of men, they appear in public and even participate in public talking. The Macedonian culture women were recognized and respected. For instance, public announcements were made about women’s activities such as public talking. In addition, women in the Macedonian culture of Ptolemaic Egypt could choose under which contract they wanted to marry: The Greek contract required guardians, while the Egyptian did not. This freedom of choice supports the idea that women were independent and to some extent free just as in the Greek culture. In both of those cultures, women ran the society in the absence of men and were free. They could make their own decision and were autonomous. The women’s role in the society proves that those societies are coincidental.
Democracy comes from two Greek words: a noun demos which means, "people" and a verb, kratein, which means "to rule" (Ober 120). Democracy first appeared in Athens towards the beginning of the fifth century B.C. The biggest difference between Athenian democracy and almost all other democracies is that the Athenian version was a direct democracy rather than being representative. Democracy came about in Athens as a result of the growing navel power and the reforms made by leaders such as Cleisthenes and Pericles.
“individuation,” of reflection on the connection between social order and social demands and the aims of individuals. It prompted reflection about the means of reconciling the conflict between private and public avenues. Participation in the politics of democratic Greece was an extenuation of the menial status of the people. This held true because the polis expressed not merely the material interests of those who ruled and were ruled, but also their freedom and their nobility. The realization of one’s purposes within the polis demanded that one be an active citizen. Man’s awareness and understanding of himself as an agent is shaped through interaction with the world. Membership of the political community was not merely essential for survival, but also greatly extended the range of ends of which it was possible to pursue. A self-governing community enabled men to act to secure the ends they desired, to express their autonomy, and by its very operation ensured that the
4. A polis is a unit of measurement of a city. The Polis labled a full community. The different people that were involved were the Athens, Sparta, and Thebes and others. The polis showed a political view on life and showed how cities can be ran under a selected leader or king. The polis is important because I feel it was a start to showing self goverments and institutions. It was showing that you as a person had the power to elect your leader, and the city could be successful under one person.