
Democracy In Ancient Greece

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Democracy, when we find "democracy" from the dictionary, it shows us "late 16th century: from French démocratie, via late Latin from Greek dēmokratia". Around B.C 508, Cleisthenes returned to Athens. He projected an idea which had never had no one did that in history. Everyone had a chance to vote what they want. That's how democracy was. He's the first one who proposed democracy.
In nowadays, Greece is still a county of Europe. Ancient Greece civilization star from about 2,900 years ago. In the history, it's including Greek Peninsula, Aegean, Ionian Sea, and the islands. Due to the geography and environments at Greece, there're a lot of different city-state, as the one the most people know: Sparta.
In 1997, Disney had made a movie name "Hercules". It's a cartoon story based on the mythology of Ancient Greece. It's telling that the story that about Hercules, which is one of Zeus's son. …show more content…

They are:
Aphrodite: she's the god who's in charge of love, beauty, and desire;
Apollo: he's in charge of the music;
Ares: he's Zeus' son. He's the god of war. As Wonder Woman (movie of Warner Bros. Pictures 2017) "Zeus' son grew envious of mankind and sought to corrupt his father's creation."
Artemis: she's the god who manages chastity, virginity, the hunt, and the moon and natural environment.
Athena: she's the goddess of literature, art, intelligent activity, and reason.
Hades: the same as his name. The god of underworld. He's the brother of Zeus and Poseidon.
Hephaestus: he's the god of fire and volcanoes; he's a blacksmith, sculptors, and

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