
Democracy In Ancient Athens Essay

Decent Essays


It is believed that Ancient Athens was the first form of democracy that influenced the structure of democracy today. Ancient Greece had many different forms of government within its nation. Most of these government parties are dramatically different from one another. The most contrasting forms of government listed here are democracy and tyranny. This essay will explore the contrast between monarchy, aristocracy, tyranny, oligarchy and democracy.

Monarchy is defined by the Collins English Dictionary as: “a form of government in which supreme authority is vested in a single and usually hereditary figure, such as a king, and whose powers can vary from those of an absolute despot to those of a figurehead” (Collins English …show more content…

In Ancient Athens, aristocrats controlled the government system until civil unrest moved Solon to reorganize the government and economy. “Solon also divided the Athenian population by wealth and made it possible for wealthy but non-aristocratic Athenian men to have more say in the political system and even stand for public office“ (Brand pg. 9).


Tyranny is ruled by one, forceful leader, or tyrant. A tyrant is an oppressive ruler that is often cruel or unjust. A tyranny often begins by the overthrowing of another political party and the tyrant seizing and claiming rule for themselves, typically in an unconstitutional manner (Cartwright 2013). Peisistratus was a tyrant in Ancient Athens who overthrew the aristocratic political system twice (Brand pg. 18).

Oligarchy can be translated to “rule of the few” (Brand pg. 29). Aristocratic citizens elected to certain public offices held the most power and persuasion. It is defined by Encyclopedia Britannica as: “Oligarchy: government by the few, especially despotic power exercised by a small and privileged group for corrupt or selfish purposes” (Oligarchy 2015). Wealth and power were determining factors in selecting leaders of this type of government system. Megara, Thebes and Sparta are city-states that had oligarchic rule (Cartwight 2013).

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