
Demeter's Role In Chelsea

Good Essays

Chelsea started the discussion off with a quick summary of Foley’s essay. She mostly wrote about the main points, like “Demeter’s role in the Olympian struggle for cosmological power” and how Demeter’s role differs from Zeus’s role in the hymn. She also addresses the question saying that Demeter’s role in the Homeric Hymn to Demeter was the rebel because, despite Zeus wanting the gods and humans to be separate, Demeter shows that the gods and humans are “permanently connected.” She went on to say that Demeter’s reliance on humans during the hymn mirrored the gods reliance on humans and their sacrifices to the gods.
Chelsea later discusses “Demeter’s attempt to immortalize Demophoon” and take him as her son. Chelsea puts forth many reason …show more content…

She builds on what Chelsea was discussing before about the ways Demeter challenged the idea of immortal superiority and mortal inferiority. By causing crops nt to grow, she caused a famine that drastically affects the number of sacrifices to the gods. Forcing the gods to acknowledge their reliance on humans. She adds to the rebel role by mentioning that demeter challenges the patriarchal order by forcing Zeus’s hand and getting Persephone back, even if it was only partial. This was revolutionary because in past stories where females opposed Zeus, they are usually very unsuccessful.
Most of the people in the Hestia group did not real just how powerful Demeter ws prior to this discussion. Steven mentions this and add that Demeter’s vast control over the Earth can end humanity. The gods, especially Zeus, only realized this when their sacrifices stopped coming in as a result of Demeter causing the Earth to become

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