
Dementi A Case Study

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Dementia is a debilitating disease that slowly destroys the mind from within, slowly destroying people's memories, movement and cognitive ability until taking the person's life. With a steady decline from two to three years and a more aggressive decline from three year to five years where it enters its final stage, normally resulting in death (Willis, Tennstedt, Marsiske, Ball, Elias, Koepkem, Morris, Rebok, Unverzagt, Stoddard & Wright, 2006). However while currently there is no cure for Dementia, during the two to three year span the disease can be delayed and symptoms can be minimised through a form of treatment (Willis et al., 2006;Gates, Sachdev, Singh & Valenzuela, 2011). Known as Cognitive training, defined as the targeting of specific areas of cognitive function through specific techniques to help delay the symptoms of Dementia (Jean, Bergeron, Tbivirge & Simard, 2010). …show more content…

This is believed due to cognitive training intervening the disease and increasing brain plasticity being the brains ability to re-adjust its self after altering events in the brains physical and chemical structure, therefore reducing the impairment in cognitive abilities and delaying or possibly preventing the onset of dementia (Belleville, Clement, Mellah, Gilbert, Fontaine & Gauthier,

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