
Demand Of Demand And Demand Essay

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Demand Determinants The concept of demand is derived from the willingness and ability of consumers to buy goods or services at a particular time depending on prices and preferences. In most cases, the demand for goods and services depends on the affordability and comfort of consumers to purchase them, while holding other factors as constant (Hubbard & O’Brien, p. 70 2013). Basic economic concepts of demand state that an increase in price affects the demand in a negative way; as prices of gasoline increase, the demand should go down. The concept or law of demand is focused on the correlation between the price of gasoline and the quantity of demand for the product. From my observation, consumers are constantly looking for ways to minimize their consumption of gasoline. This century, motorists are opting for fuel-efficient automobiles with the aim of reducing their overall fuel consumption. The theoretical concept of price adjustment by gasoline consumers can affect Edgar’s idea to open a retail gas station. Whenever retail fuel prices increase, in the long run, consumers may retaliate by cutting off the frequency of gas consumption by reducing time spent driving, reduce the number of times they use their car and other methods that will save them from using more money in gas stations. In the short-run, the change in price of gasoline per gallon is not sufficiently volatile to affect consumption significantly. The graph below shows U.S. National Average in gasoline prices

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