
Deinstitutionalization Essay

Decent Essays

“Between 1967 and 2007, the number of people in state mental hospitals dropped 81%” (Hooley et al. 615). This drop in mental institutions, termed “deinstitutionalization,” has left many patients with nowhere to go. In addition, a large amount of these former patients were not ready to assimilate into the community. Overall, deinstitutionalization has been harmful to the mentally ill community.
The amount of mentally ill people who are homeless has risen since the start of deinstitutionalization:
Many residents of mental institutions have no families or homes to go to; board-and-care facilities are often substandard; and the community mental health centers have often been ill prepared and insufficiently funded to provide needed services for …show more content…

When the measures put into place fail to help these people, they do not have an abundance of alternatives; many people must simply accept their apparent fate. There is a large mentally ill population in prison:
An estimated 56 percent of state prisoners, 45 percent of federal prisoners, and 64 percent of jail inmates have a mental health problem. These individuals often receive inadequate care, with only one in three state prisoners and one in six jail inmates having received mental health treatment since their admission. (Kim et al. 5)
Without proper care, these individuals are continually suffering and upon release will likely end up back in the system. In a mental institution, the same people would still be separated from the general community, but they would be able to recover. This would give them a higher chance of permanently reentering the community. The decrease in mental hospitals has been shown to correlate with a rise in suicide rates among the mentally ill:
A one public bed reduction per 100,000 persons was associated with an increase of 0.025 suicides per 100,000 persons annually, holding constant the supply of not-for-profit and for-profit beds and community mental health funding. (Yoon and

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