
Defying Social Norm

Decent Essays

Benjamin Stalker
Getting A Little Too Close: Defying A Social Norm
Soci 111
American Military University
Pamela Collins

Getting A Little Too Close: Defying A Social Norm
Culture is what we make of it. The way we live in our country or in our own city can differ from others; the way we eat, what we eat, how we talk, how we act, ect… (Henslin, 2013) In every culture there are social norms, or unwritten rules that people in a culture comply with. To break a social norm would be considered deviant; to defy the way everyone else does something. (Henslin, 2013) To begin my research I decided to head to a local hot spot.
I found myself at a local Tim Horton’s I observed many people walking in and out with their coffees as I sat down and got myself situated. Quite a few people were busy trying to get their coffee and run; although there were a number of people who chose to sit down and chat with people. I observed the long line of people and as the line would dwindle down eventually more people would come in from outside to replace those that left. I noticed on 3 occasions where 2 people would head to the undirected waiting line and one person would eventually ask the other …show more content…

So I decided to break this control. After putting my things away in my car outside I went and refilled my coffee and then found a seat next to a younger couple around my age or maybe younger. As I sat down next to them I was immediately given glares of dissatisfaction with my presence from both the male and female as their loud chatter dwindled down to silence. No words were spoken to me but the male subject looked at the female subject and they both got up and left the restaurant. I attempted this with a few more people and got similar results of silence and then moving away from my

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