
Definition of White Collar Crime Essay

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White collar crime has many definitions, one of the earlier described it as illegal or unethical acts that violate fiduciary (holding or held in trust) responsibility of public trust committed by an individual or organization, usually during the course of legitimate occupational activity, by persons of high or respectable social status for personal or organizational gain. However, as time went on the definitions and variation of the crimes began expanding and a definition did not describe the act to completion. The way a crime was determined a ‘white collar crime’ was if it fit five elements. If the crime perpetrated has intent, then it can be a white collar crime, by intent it means to commit a wrongful act or to achieve a purpose …show more content…

One type of crime that fits all these categories and the modern definitions of white collar crime is identity theft.
II. What is Identity Theft? Identity theft has been around for many years, and is a method of stealing another person’s identity. The person who steals the identity then pretends to be the person whose identity they have just stolen. This is done to get the persons credit card information, their resources, and their benefits. The victim of the theft can have everything in their life taken from them, and it is not an easy crime to prove. Sometimes, the person uses that newly attained identity to commit other crimes, which then can get the victim in even more problems. Identity theft can lead to identity fraud, leading to the misappropriation of the person’s identity. With the modern technology of today identity theft has become a lot easier. With firmware, spyware, and viruses identity theft has become easier than ever, apps and programs like these will take a lot more than a person’s credit card information. However, identity theft is not as simple as one may think; many types of identity theft that affect people every day.
III. Different Types of Identity Theft Identity theft has been split into six different types used to describe the expansiveness of the crime, identity cloning, criminal identity theft, medical identity theft, synthetic identity theft, child identity theft, and financial identity theft. The simple definition

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