
Definition Of War Is Indefinable

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War is Indefinable Imagine a fiery barrage of artillery guns firing at the unit and hits a fellow soldier. Imagine leaving a friend behind in combat or telling a loved one or a friend he or she is dead. War isn’t glamorous. But instead of telling the sadden soul bad news, on the contrary soldiers substitute it, by saying the fallen soldier showed immense bravery for peace, to relieve the violence and suffering, for the country. However many question the reason of war. Is it merciless or wholesome, or is there and in-between? War cannot be defined in one sentence, nor can its meaning be expressed using a few words. The word simply means more than just a military conflict between nations. War is complex. It stimulates feelings of aggression, …show more content…

Most people would answer the question “what factors war?” through the characteristics of dominance, greed, and religion. However, to fully understand one must analyze the internal motives of a nation. Today, violence’s terms have become more abstract and with deeper importance. Many take insults very serious and as a personal threat against themselves and their nation. Violence and fighting has turned universal and to a matter of competition, a matter “to keep our people safe against unlawful violence”(Wilson). But what are the intentions and purpose for fighting? Kennedy addressed that “war is simply a fact”, an inevitable cause of action that is a truth of nature, an evolutionary element that continues to grow and diminish life and meaning. War is “a destruction only man can provoke” and “only man can prevent” (Wiesel). Then why can’t mankind stop the madness? Because war is a faulty cause of our existence, sometimes violence/war is the only communication that people comprehend. But with all the modern weaponry, creates a motivating and lethal atmosphere. Without war humanity wouldn’t evolve and progress. Without war African Americans and Women may not have become equal counterparts. Without war America wouldn’t be America just an Indian ground. To say the least “Warfare may be [the only] selected..way to meet a situation”(Meade). Even though war is grim and has many undesirable reasons, war may be “worth dying for”(Reagan), fighting for. War may just be that unfortunate part of society. Maybe war isn’t “a matter of live or die”(O’Brien 127) but a matter of sacrifice in the midst of evil. Despite the death, killing and torture, war may be humanity’s only option. Though there is no way of stopping war but to make a point one must show how much one hates it. While war does provide safety after, during, war is a violation of human

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