
Definition Of Success Essay

Decent Essays

How do I define success?

“Success is...” This is what success is to me. Success is three dots right after each other also known as an ellipsis. It is a break in a sentence symbolizing in the english language of information that does not need to be stated and can be inferred based on context. Now to me, this ellipsis means I don't know. It means I'm stuck. This definition of success hasn't changed for me for days because to me, success is one of those words that you take for granted and use carelessly throughout your daily speech but when you take a second to know what it means it will have you perplexed. Trying desperately to change my definition of such a strong word like success to something instead of 3 measly dots, I decided to stop spending hours in front of the shamefully reflective blank white document on my computer screen and go about my life hoping the answer would hit me. Unfortunately it did not. I was not blessed like Issac Newton and didn't have a secret note from the universe fall on my head saying the definition of success. I though maybe the universe would switch up its delivery of eureka moments so I looked in the clouds to see if it was written there but still nothing. I was on my own on this one. I didn't think it would, but …show more content…

That's success! Success is when Dr. Seuss was rejected 27 times before finally being published! Success is when Albert Einstein couldn't speak until he was 4 but then goes on to discover the theory of relativity! Success is when Martin Luther King's house was bombed for protesting, and then still goes on to leading the civil rights protests! Success is when Winston Churchill held his ground and did not give in to the Nazi's constant bombings of the city! Success is being stuck on an essay for days and still pressing on until 2 in the morning despite having no idea where to start! Success is persistence! Success is perseverance! It's how fast you get back up from a fall! It's how hard you hit after getting

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