
Definition Of Integrity

Satisfactory Essays

Intgrity is the qualifications of being honest and having strong moral principles; moral uprightness. It is generally a personal choice to hold oneself to consistent moral and ethical standards. It’s a term used to describe a person’s commitments, and willingness to do what’s right. An example of this is that we expect doctors to be honest with us about diagnoses, won’t try to prescribe medications we don’t need, and will generally work in the best interest of our health and well- being. We expect this because, in most societies, doctors are perceived to be people of great integrity with strong moral compasses. I also believe that intigrity is when doing something right when no one watching and really not expecting anything …show more content…

One time I cheated was in 7th grade when I was getting ready for my away basketball game against Saint. Agnes and we were suppose to run 8 laps around the gym and I was lazy and tired and decided to run 5. I should have listened to my coach because during my gym I was sore and I wasn’t physically prepared to be on the court for half the game. After this lesson, I believe everyone should tell the truth, be honest, and not to lie. A few examples of integrity in every day life are to keep your promises even if it takes extra effort, go back to a store and pay for something you forgot to pay for, never betray a friend’s trust even if you get in trouble, always speak up for what’s right, do not gossip or talk bad about someone- let karma deal with it, don’t let someone else take the blame for something you did. In conclusion, integrity is a God-like life of consistency and sincerity, with no deception or pretense. Integrity's overriding quality is wholeness. In fact, the word integrity is derived from the same root word as integer, meaning whole. In other words, no discrepancy exists between one's public life and one's private life. People of integrity have nothing to hide and nothing to fear. Always tell the truth and have respect for yourself because in the end you will get it

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