
Definition Of Heroes

Decent Essays

Heroes At the beginning of last week I was asked the question “What is a hero?” Without a hesitation I answered “someone with powers who puts their powers to work when someone is in need of a hand.” As the week continued I started to read poems, texts, and look in the perspectives of others towards heroes. I became more open-minded and generated a new outlook on heroes. A hero doesn’t have to be someone with powers, capes, and enemies that they have to battle with. A hero can also be a person who risks their life for the better of someone else's life. Included in this hero comes courage, bravery, strong-minded, and many other characteristics. Although a hero is thought of as someone different, possibly better than the rest, that lives a rad …show more content…

Anyone can be a hero. Just because someone is a hero to me doesn't mean they have to be a hero to you and vice versa. As a kid I watched the movie titanic and repeatedly watched it as I grew up. I love the movie since the first time I spent 3 hours of my day watching it. The scene where Jack lets Rose lay on the last wood floating while he slowly died in the freezing water displays an act of heroism. Most people would never put their life underground for someone else. Plus, Jack knew that this would be a slow and painful death, regardless he still did it. Rose survived until she was 80 plus and now tells the world her story. Although Jack wasn't able to see the outcome of his action it was still such an admirable thing to do. Although he can’t feel us praise him and we can feel his presence to see his reaction, it’s the thought that counts. It is the fact that there are people on this earth who will do that and that there once lived someone on this earth who did …show more content…

One of the texts that I read was from this book that my school provides to all the students, springboard. In this book there was a passage that was called “A Man.” Although I read many texts this one captured my eye most. A man starts off with a sad tone. It talks about how “while fighting for his country, he lost an arm and was suddenly afraid.” After continuing to read the poem the tone of the narrator begins to become more positive. He ends off the poem by saying “From that moment on, he set himself to do everything with twice as much enthusiasm. And where the arm had been torn away a wing grew.” This poem was heroic because from the start it talks about him being a soldier. Soldiers are heroes, each and every one of them. Not many people have the courage to put their life on the line for our country. The reason why I feel protected and safe is because of these soldiers. I have the freedom to speak, think, and act how I want because of these heroes. But, not only that, he is someone to look up to for not taking his disability and letting himself down. Instead, he took it and learned how to live with it. I am almost positive that most people I know would use their disability as an excuse. Not only that but they would dwell on it for the rest of their lives. This man knew he had either his life or one of his features/body parts on the line when he agreed to be a soldier. He

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