
Definition Of Consciousness

Decent Essays

Human curiosity has always attempted to understand the concept of consciousness. However, humanity's only definition is described as the state of being aware of one's surroundings. In a world where the mind is an undiscovered endless amount of power and self-expression, it is hard to categorize consciousness with such a vague definition. Questions also arise in regards to the very location of an individual's mind and whether it is dually connected with one's body or a separate entity entirely. The physical presence of the mind currently rests as a mystery but many theorize that its location is a part of your body or that it has no physical relation. Each individual currently has a different view on the definition of consciousness and the location of your mind rests with the belief of each individual. …show more content…

In today's society debate rest with the issue of clarifying whether a conscious state is regarded as having cognitive ability or being aware of your physical existence. However, how do we know we are aware of our surroundings and the world is not a fabricated illusion projected by a creator. The scientific vision of consciousness drastically differs from most religious moral beliefs. So how do individuals arrive with a single definition if viewpoints on the matter are so diverse? In my opinion, everyone will have a definition of consciousness because each individual has a different perception of morality. It is hard to define because one word can have so many different meanings. However in my opinion consciousness is living, medically when someone is conscious it symbolizes life, spiritually it resembles living and scientifically it means to be

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