
Definition Essay On Self Respect

Decent Essays

Respect can be defined as an action or a feeling that is shown to others, oneself or something. Some may that you can get a feeling out of any virtue, for example anger or disrespect, but respect is usually connected between two individuals; an action of showing how much love, pride and honor you have for them and having your words and actions speak for you indicating that respect is being shown. There is a chain reaction when it comes to expressing respect, you must give respect to gain respect and it can go the other way around also, where in order to receive respect you must give respect. When it comes to the virtue respect it is a give and take type of situation. As Fyodor Dostoyevsky, Russian novelist and short-story writer, once said, “ If you want to be respected by others, the great thing is to respect yourself. Only by self-respect you will compel others to respect you.” Having self-respect has a lot to do with one's self-esteem, knowing their own worth and confidence plays an important role. Having an open mind to being wrong is a gateway to self-respect, it shows acknowledgment and acceptance of the truth or existence of a fact or opinion. It shows that a person knows their rights from wrongs and having self-respect opens new doors of opportunities, this means that a person is willing to understand their mistakes and learn from them; learn from those mistakes, wrongs and anything that can be found to not being worthy of putting it out there in the world and public

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