My middle name is Faye, which means loyalty or belief. My middle name is named after my paternal grandmother who has this middle name too! I also have two cousins named after my grandma! I am happy with this name because it goes well with my first name and it came from a close relative. When I am older, and have kids, I plan on passing this name onto my first girl. I hope they will continue passing it on! I love the middle name Faye and what the meaning is.
My parents were set on girl names; if I was a girl, my name would be Lauren, after my Grandpa Loren. Thinking of a middle name became a little difficult. My mom’s mom name was MariLee, and my parents wanted to take something from her name. Finally making a decision, they chose to take the “Lee” out as my middle name. Naming a boy would be a little different; my parents wanted the name Dalton. The only reason behind that is because my mom liked the name; I beg to differ.
The struggle to find one's identity is a universal theme that is especially prevalent in Chaim Potok's novel, My Name Is Asher Lev. As an Orthodox Jew, Asher's gift for art is looked upon very unfavorably. Despite the disapproval of his community and father and the pain his art causes those around him, he pursues his passion and must find a way to reconcile the conflict between his religious identity and his individual identity.
William Richard Florio means helm,protector,powerful and a leader. Both my middle name and my first name are German, but they are named after two great English kings.My first name come from nobody that was named that in my family, but my parents named me William because they new that it was a powerful name. My middle name which would be Richard is named after my Grandpa on my mom's side of the family, and that's why Richard is my middle name. I also have a nickname in which my friends and family call me Will. There is really no reason why my nickname is Will, but most likely because it's shorter. I really like my name for many different reasons because,t it sounds really nice.William sounds very powerful
On my mother’s side, as far back as anyone can remember, there has always been a woman in the household with the middle name Marie. Therefore, it is reasonable to note that my mom, grandma, great-grandma, and so forth all had Marie in their names. Although there was no rhymer reason as to why this was chosen as my middle name other than for the sake of continuing tradition, I still believe my name helps to define who I am. A popular choice for a 1990’s girl’s middle name, Marie can hold many meanings from “beloved” to “star of the sea.” The adjectives loyal, honest, and sincere, all culminate together to define me perfectly. I stay true to those I care about in times of need and also am very empathetic. If my little sisters are upset about having a bad day at school, no matter how irrational their reasoning is, I too will feel their emotions and become
My full name is Kayli Allyse Sample. My first name Kayli was chosen out of a baby book by my mom. The name Kayli originated from England and means keeper of keys, and pure. My middle name Allyse, was named after the mom on the show Family Ties, it originated from England and means “powerful and complete”. My last name Sample
Authors and writers write in many different types of genres, but that does not necessarily mean that all of them stand out in those genres. Studies show that less than one percent of submitted works are actually published. This is why pen names are so commonly used by authors and writers in literature. Pen names conceal authors’ identities, helping them avoid bias, giving them the opportunity to analyze their success and to produce more work as desired. Pen names are a great resort to authors and writers in need of help.
The word ain’t is one of the most commonly-overlooked mistake in the English dictionary. It is used very often in TV, books, movies, media, and music, so we shouldn’t be surprised it is now in our real life. Even though our English teachers and grammar textbooks label the word ain’t as incorrect the use of the word has not been banished and we have no idea if it ever will be. Since, it continues to be in our language, and we often us it we should be informed of its origin and its development. However, there are different opinions on the development. Most writers on this issue seems to agree that the word ain’t has not been fully investigated and needs further research. A look at the history of ain’t can help determine how this simple contraction became a serious error in professional writing and speech.
I think that middles names are rather odd. Why? Well, most of the time no one calls you by your middle name, and they either say your first name, your last name, or both together. Usually, I get nervous when I hear someone call my middle name since that most likely means I’ve done something wrong! While middle names are rarely used, I do think of them as important, however, because many people might have the same first and last names, but different middle names.
What's the story behind your name? Do you have a special family name? Share your reponse down below! I would love to read them!ould love to read them!
My name (Jessica) can be traced back from an American origin, which means rich, or God beholds. On other hand, my middle name (Magdalena) is taken from the Biblical character, that being Mary Magdalene from the Sea of Galilee. Growing up, I had several moments
Names will always be different for everyone. They all come from a different backstory or a different meaning and my name is no exception. Although my first name doesn’t provide anything interesting about me, I know I have several stories discussing my middle and last name. From all the long and amazing
Middle school is the transition from being a 5th grader who walked in lines everywhere they go to being able to do whatever until 7:40 A.M. Within reason of course. Those lockers are tiny and the combinations are new adaptations. You hide your stash of gum inside your locker the aroma is pleasant unless your gym clothes are inside.You hear your phone buzz off and remember to shut the thing off. You see textbooks the size of China inside and your big backpack full of homework. You grab for your books and then shut in with force and off class you go.
I love my name. I haven’t met one person in my whole life with the same name as mine. Just like most of the kids from my religion, my name has a meaning that I can be proud of. My name, Gurrose, means God’s rose.
Our name is what describes us as individuals, it’s our personal identity. My name, Katherine, describes me perfectly. Plus my name is unique, at least here in El Paso it is, I’ve met at least two other Katherine’s but their names were spelled completely differently. You can say the same thing for me. There are a lot of positive things about my name, but there are also some negative things too.
A name is not just what you’re called, it is who you are. It is what you stand for and ultimately defines you as a person. Growing up, I used to think my name did not fit me and that nothing that my name stood for had anything to do with me. Now that I am older, I understand the real meaning of my name and how the traits that are connected with my name relate to the person that I have become and continue to develop into. My name represents who I am and who I plan to be.