Stress can be either psychological or physical; it is the feeling of pressure that is experience and felt by the human through our life. The definition to stress can have different meanings because of the way that we interpret what stress is about and what it really matters. We can used the word stress when is either caused by a good or a bad experience. However, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary stress is defined as a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, and something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety.
When stress is caused by a good experience, such as moving to a new house or going on a trip or even having a new child, we might not know how to handle the situation. Even though all this is all good experience, we do not know how to cope with these changes. I remember when I was getting ready to move to a brand new house, I felt stressed because I did not know how to start. I had felt frustrated with all of the packing and did not know how to manage the time between work and the moving.
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Stress can also be negative; it becomes negative when it affects our emotions, social and physical environments. When we are stressed in a negative way we impact our health. Stress affects our blood pressure and our heart beat rises and feel chest pain. It can also affect our digestive system because it slows it down. When stress affects our emotions we feel depressed, anxious, irritable, we might not concentrate properly and many more. Stress affects us socially because we might feel like we do not have anyone that cares and we put ourselves down. We can deal with stress in many ways. We can help ourselves by doing some yoga, exercise and make time for ourselves. We can also get help from professionals to learn coping skills to handle the
Stress can be defined as a state of emotional or mental disturbance resulting from adverse or demanding conditions.
People handle stress in a myriad of ways. It is a love-hate relationship in every sense. Many laugh, cry, become catatonic or frenzied, gamble, hoard, act out or become structured. Stress, and it's perception, can be motivating- or literally a killer.
Not only does stress affect your health but it also affects your mood and behavior. The article STRESS SYMPTOMS: EFFECTS ON YOUR BODY AND BEHAVIOR explains that people with chronic stress experience “anxiety, restlessness, lack of motivation or focus...anger, sadness or depression”. In ANIMALS IN TRANSLATION, Grandin tells an example of the negative effects of stress. There are two German orphanages; one was run by a nice and kind woman while the other was run by a nasty, mean woman.
The definition of stress itself is a state of existence, where an individual is mentally or emotionally strained, which results from hardships or demanding circumstances. Everyone faces stress in their daily lives. For instance, adults trying to pay their bills based upon their budget, making sure that they get to work on time when they’re stuck in a traffic jam, deciding on what to make for dinner, dressing and grooming the kids, or taking care of the elderly. Stress for teenagers and kids includes getting homework and assignments completed, learning how to solve a complex math problem, deciding what to wear to school tomorrow, or hoping that the teacher doesn’t call on you in class, especially when you don’t know the answer. Stress is basically my buddy, at least a few times in a
Stress is a very common everyday thing. People have stress so much that most of the time they don’t even know how much it’s affecting them. Stress can really affect your body, mind, and behavior. It is a normal response to situations that make you feel upset or threatened in a way. Stress is the body’s way of change. The change can either be good or bad.
There are different types of stress and also different way of handling it. When dealing with stress; take a time out. (SS- 1) Escape from what is causing the stress and start a different task. Having a good laugh with a group of friends is also a way to alleviate stress. Stress
Stress can lead to emotional and physical disorders including anxiety, depression, stroke, heart problems, gastrointestinal disorders, mood swings, skin diseases and various other diseases. The American institute of stress has a list that shows 50 common signs and symptoms of stress.
Stress has different meanings, because it is various for each of us. Not infrequently, other people are aware that you may be in commotion before you are. It is kind of emotional strain resulting from demanding circumstances, that might be described as concerns of worries or fears and sometimes becoming more obsessive concerns from different causes. It may be defined as non explicit reaction of the body to any desire for adjustment, (The American Institute of stress 2011). Moreover, anything that assumes conflicts or a threat to our humanity is a stress.
There are many ways our body responds to stress. Stress without relief leads to distress. Distress creates negative reactions like headaches, high blood pressure, chest pain, upset stomach, rapid heart rate, trouble sleeping or weaken the immune system. For instance, if a person has asthma, stress can make it worse by increasing the shortness of breath, causing the person to feel anxious. The more anxious the person feels, the more
Stress effects many systems in our body like nervous system and endocrine system. So, because of that there are emotional, physical and behavioral responses to stress. We also learned that stress and diseases are closely related. But luckily, there are many techniques to manage stress like the lecture video emphasized. I am always stressed about something rather it be school, work, extracurricular activities
Stress has a lot of factors to consider such as a person’s physical health, our social relationships, the promises we keep and everyday jobs we do, other people depending on us, support we accept from others, and the changes that occurred in our lives ( People with a strong social support seem to have less stress and better mental health compared to those without social support. People who do not eat healthy, get enough sleep, or who are physically ill have a problem handling pressure and stress in life every day and account for higher stress levels. Some stressors are related to some age groups and life stages. Children, youths, people just married, working couples, single parents, and elders are the groups of people who face mutual stressors linked to life’s changes
WHAT IS STRESS? Stress can be defined as the negative feelings a person experiences in a situation they find potentially threatening. It is an imbalance between the demands of an activity and how a person perceives their ability to meet those demands. They also attach a lot of importance to perceived consequences and failure.
Stress is defined as a state of mental or emotional strain or tension resulting from adverse or demanding circumstances. Stress is the body's reaction to harmful situations ,whether it is real or not. When a person is stressed the body's defenses kick into high gear in a rapid, automatic process recognized as the fight-or-flight reaction or the stress response. The stress response is the body’s way of protecting you.
Stress is something that affects many people each and every day. Life is full of hassles, deadlines, frustrations, and demands. For some people stress is so common it is a way of life. Stress can be very harmful and or helpful. It could help motivate you to meet a deadline and perform a task under pressure. Stress can also be very harmful, such as memory problems, moodiness, aches and pains, and eating more or less.
First, stress is defined as an unpleasant state of emotional and physiological arousal that people experience in situations that they perceive as dangerous or threatening to their well being (Patel, 14). Stress is a universal feeling to everyone but the word stress means different things to