
Definition Essay About Stress

Decent Essays

Stress can be either psychological or physical; it is the feeling of pressure that is experience and felt by the human through our life. The definition to stress can have different meanings because of the way that we interpret what stress is about and what it really matters. We can used the word stress when is either caused by a good or a bad experience. However, according to the Merriam Webster dictionary stress is defined as a state of mental tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work, and something that causes strong feelings of worry or anxiety.
When stress is caused by a good experience, such as moving to a new house or going on a trip or even having a new child, we might not know how to handle the situation. Even though all this is all good experience, we do not know how to cope with these changes. I remember when I was getting ready to move to a brand new house, I felt stressed because I did not know how to start. I had felt frustrated with all of the packing and did not know how to manage the time between work and the moving. …show more content…

Stress can also be negative; it becomes negative when it affects our emotions, social and physical environments. When we are stressed in a negative way we impact our health. Stress affects our blood pressure and our heart beat rises and feel chest pain. It can also affect our digestive system because it slows it down. When stress affects our emotions we feel depressed, anxious, irritable, we might not concentrate properly and many more. Stress affects us socially because we might feel like we do not have anyone that cares and we put ourselves down. We can deal with stress in many ways. We can help ourselves by doing some yoga, exercise and make time for ourselves. We can also get help from professionals to learn coping skills to handle the

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