
Define Drug Trafficking

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Assignment #6
Discuss the production and trafficking of drugs i.e., heroin, cocaine, and crack, and how the trafficking relates to the criminal enterprise. Discuss the criminal justice systems role in the fight against drugs.
Cocaine, crack, and heroin are three of the most abused illegal drugs in the United States. There are some forms of cocaine that are used for medicinal purposes. Cocaine is shipped from South America by drug cartels, mainly from Peru, Bolivia and Colombia. Drug cartels (coalitions or agreements between parties intended to further a mutual interest). Drug cartels handle the trafficking of the drug to one of its biggest customers, the United States.
Heroin is an opioid drug that is manufactured from morphine. The heroin is extracted from the Asian opium poppy plant. It is believed that 24 percent of people who use heroin become addicted (dependency on a substance) and they cannot stop using it without adverse affects either psychologically or physiologically.
Crack, or rock is more addictive than powder cocaine and heroin. Robin Haslam (2013), Director of Operations and Procedures for Addiction Canada, said that he “has never seen someone who can just smoke crack casually.” Heroin, like cocaine is produced from the resin (a sticky substance oozed by the Asian poppy plant).
Crack is the crystal form of cocaine. It is …show more content…

The prosecutorial faction files charges or petitions for injunctions, seek inductions, drop cases and reduce charges. The judicial component sets bail or conditions for release, accepts pleas, dismiss charges, impose sentences, and revoke probation. The last component of the criminal justice system is the corrections or penal system. These three components, on their own, are ineffective. However, when combined they are one of the most effective in the world. ( See Venn

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