
Deconditioning: A Case Study

Decent Essays

A recent systematic review of screening / assessment instruments for early functional decline / prefrailty identified seven time-sequenced domains (Beaton, & Grimmer, 2013). This review found that subtle within-person changes in function may be evident to the individual and/or family before overt changes in medical status and performance are noticed by healthcare providers.
The closest ICD-10-CM Diagnosis Code for ‘deconditioning’ is M62.81 (a reduction in the strength of muscles in multiple anatomic sites (excluding muscle weakness due to sarcopenia)) (ICD-10-CM/PCS codes, 2016-17). This diagnostic code would appear to be insensitive to the complex nature of deconditioning. Deconditioning however, is often a ‘default’ position or descriptor for older people who become difficult to …show more content…

There is a perceived increase in HAD in developed countries worldwide which potentially relates to complex drivers which include, but are not limited to, increasing age, the increasing volume of older people who require admission to acute hospitals, workload pressures on hospital staff, fragmentation between healthcare sectors, lack of concerted primary care investment in keeping older people at home for as long as possible in optimum health, and shortening lengths of hospital stay (Falvey et al, 2015). Given the increasing focus on decreasing length of stay in acute hospital beds as a way of containing rising healthcare costs, screening, early detection and prevention of HAD makes economic and social sense. For some older people, becoming deconditioned means never

their previous health state, which can result in lengthy occupancy of acute and sub-acute hospital beds, potentially avoidable transfer to expensive slower stream rehabilitation settings, increased need for in-home services or even a permanent move to residential care. Reconditioning programs to address the effects of deconditioning are increasingly being delivered adjunctive

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