
Declaration Of Independence Research Paper

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In the Declaration of Independence it states that all men and woman are created equal. Although that some may consider the ideal more important. Unalienable Rights, Rights to alter or abolish government, and consent of government none of these ideals would be able to happen in America if we didn’t have equality. In the Declaration of Independence it restates that all men are “endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness . . . .(Steve Greenberg).” It isn't possible to achieve liberty without equality because the people are tied together. If someone is considered less than equal to another person under the law, then that person will always be the so-called protected …show more content…

In 1989, over 3,000 Chinese University students were killed because they blamed government corruption and called for a change to democracy. The result was that many were run over by tanks; the Chinese government killed thousands of them. The reason why equality is more important than consent of government is because since all men are woman were created equal than the government would not be greater than the people. The people, different groups, and government would all have to come to an agreement. The 'Declaration of Tea Party Independence" it states that they want to restore policies that will give liberty and prosperity to all. They want to organize, demonstrate and vote toward these ends. The reason why equality is more important than the right to alter or abolish the government is because without equality the people wouldn't get a say in how to organize and demonstrate, nor be able to vote. Equality is defined as being equal in status, rights, and opportunities. Without the opportunity they wouldn't be able to vote to alter or abolishing the government

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