
Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper

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Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper Hal E. Bat University Of Phoenix Critical Thinking: Strategies in Decision-Making MGT350 Daryl Korinek Jan 06, 2006 Decision-Making Model Analysis Paper Introduction In order to master critical thinking, the ability to question information and solve problems must be present. The crucial steps that lead to successful decision-making is not based solely on our skills and abilities, but on the strategies that help us get there. All these steps combined allow us to make solid and intelligent decisions. Research on understanding how the mind works is a continuing project at best, but the progress we have made is substantial in the areas of understanding problem-solving and decision-making. …show more content…

I recently had the opportunity to do just that. As part of my PPR, one of my goals was to attend 20 hours of environmental safety courses. During the courses I had learned of several methods used to prevent pollution. One of the discussions centered on a list with subcomponents outlining ways that employees could help to improve the environment and his or her role in preventing pollution. After I had completed the courses I had a meeting with the department manager and discussed the need to educate the employees in our department on environmental safety and pollution prevention. Given the green light to develop a training course, I began working on one specifically designed for my group, which consisted of office workers as well as test well engineers and technicians. I teamed up with a gentleman who worked in software development and we designed an on-line course "Environmental Awareness." The topics discussed were disposal of wastes, protection from radiation (we have tools that are made with radiation) by encasing tools with specialized "sleeves" for storage and shipping, EPA guidelines, recycling and so on. We made it available not only to our department but to all employees of Riordan, both domestic and internationally. I have seen many changes throughout our compound that I know is a direct result of this learning tool. Returning back to Procedural Innovations

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