
Debate Between Jeffersonian Republicans And The Federalists

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The debate between the Federalist and Jeffersonian Republicans was a constant was based spilt on constitutional interpretation and this transferred into other beliefs. The strict interpretation the Jeffersonians had of the Constitution turned drastically during Jefferson's and Madison's presidential term together. Hamilton and Jefferson both had quit different views but the way they played out was it so different at all. In Document C, James Madison argued that limiting liberties were unconstitutional. In Document D, is says that the Federalist National Bank was unconstitutional as stated by Thomas Jefferson. Jefferson, though a Democratic Republican, contradicted himself a lot in viewpoint and in action. much is this evident in the …show more content…

Exactly how the National Bank was brought about, Jefferson brought about the Louisiana Purchase, throwing the nation into something should've been thought about more thoroughly. He contradicted himself by speaking on something that was unconstitutional and bringing about the same thing in a different form. both the Louisiana purchase in the National Bank overstep the power of the government money. This was quite similar to the Great Depression when the government overstepped his boundaries with money and fell apart soon after. In Document B, Hamilton states have a government keeps individuals in society by enjoying each other and to work together towards a common goal. He is saying that the people do not work together but they do and it shows the sneaky way of the two, they did not follow all of their claims only following the ones claim which was taken away tax from whiskey (Document D). A final example of Jefferson's contradictory claim. A final example of Jefferson's contradictory combines the communication with the French and military believes. in document F, Jefferson is addressing a group of men and he is defending his embargo on the shipment to England this eventually leads to the war of 1812. Napoleon is in the background saying, "you will be king hereafter." This is just for shattering the impending failure of his

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