
Death Tax Persuasive Essay

Decent Essays

Despite a few decent moments, this debate was another massive fail on the part of these candidates, in general. The moderators asked some baiting, stupid questions to test these people. Even more revealing was the fact that these people didn't see it coming, and struck, unable to handle the situation with any reasoning or keen intelligence. They went attacking on each other and whined and complained like kids in grade school, they were being tattle tales . How could they possibly handle matters on the world stage? A humiliating display for the GOP. Rubio used a approach with Bush when criticized for his utter lack of interest in actually occupying his Senate seat -- he ignored the question entirely and accused Bush of targeting him. Same thing …show more content…

They wish to increase the child tax,and lower the ,marriage penalty,death tax . The child tax which credits per child in a household and credit that reduces your federal income tax per child that qualifies. the marriage penalty is not wanted by these republicans , these penalties the term for when a couple pays more filing jointly as a married couple than they would have filing separately. The Death tax also unwanted by Republicans which is also known as the federal estate tax, is a taxation which is applied to the transfer of the deceased’s estate at the time of an individual's death. The death tax effects many of the people who are family of the deceased with farms and family businesses at stake. Many of these families much sacrifice all their families inheritance to cover for tax costs and their share goes down the drain. In this situation, the employees and customers of these businesses and establishments suffer as well, supporting the idea that overtaxing can harm American’s financial prosperity, as well as the growth of the economy. The Republican Party supports the housing industry’s efforts to make home owning easier. This is because they believe that lower taxes and lower interest rates could allow more Americans to be homeowners, which is in the national

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