
Death Penalty In America Essay

Decent Essays

We have had a long standing debate in this country on whether or not the use of capital punishment (a.k.a. the death penalty) should be allowed in the United States. Poll numbers over the last ten years have been consistently in favor of the death penalty in America. The last time a Gallup Poll showed the majority of Americans not in favor of the death penalty was in 1966, while as recently as 1994 nearly 80 percent of American’s polled favored the death penalty. The death penalty should continue to be implemented in the United States under strict guideline and for only the most heinous of crimes. The American Civil Liberties Union and National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty, are two special interest groups who strongly oppose the use of the death penalty in America for any crime. Both groups argue that the prosecution of the death penalty in America is applied in a bias manner, costs taxpayers a significant amount of money compared to non-capital punishment trials, and the fact that sometimes innocent people are sentenced to death. Opponents of the death penalty remain undeterred by the falling number of death sentences and legislation specifically written to ensure fair prosecution of death penalty, resume their quest to abolish the practice due to posed moral implications. When it comes to the death penalty, issues concerning the …show more content…

Citing that states which implement the death penalty have higher murder rates than states that do not practice the death penalty. The data needed to refute that claim would be impossible to produce. Because you cannot poll people to see if the death penalty stopped them from committing a murder. The death penalty should remain in use because it provides citizens and law enforcement with an extra layer of protection, making it a variable that is too risky to go

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