
Death Is Everywhere In The Masque Of The Red Death

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Carter Fors Ms. Crain English 9 3/7/2024 Death Is Everywhere In the short story “The Masque Of The Red Death” by Edgar Allen Poe shows that death can get anyone, even with wealth, fame and barriers, through prince prospero, the courtiers, and the clock. The short story is about a prince who has all these following him and he invites them into his castle but the castle is very weird It has seven different rooms and they are all weird and all placed in weird places but there this clock that strikes fear into everyone and then this weird scary man shows up and kills everyone. In the story, Prince Prospero symbolizes a higher being and a sign of wealth. In the story the prince is supposed to be this mighty man and all the people love him and visit his huge castle but the clock and the red death still get in his house.Poe writes Red Death. …show more content…

He seems to be mortified and scared the way he looks and seems frightened, but he is supposed to be a mighty man and has a cold shiver when looking at him. Although this mighty man can have everything in the world, he is always afraid of the same thing a peasant would be of and that is death. Prince Prospero represents an almighty thing with the best things, but even though he surrounds himself with a lot of good things, death still gets in. In the story the countries represent the middle class and the followers of the prince.In this part of the story the courtiers are strengthening the castle Poe writes “The courtiers, having entered, brought furnaces and heavy hammers and welded the

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