
Death Be Not Proud And Ozymandias Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

Many people have different interpretations when the topic of death is presented. In the poems “Death be not Proud” by John Donne and “Ozymandias” by Percy B. Shelley, the theme of death is demonstrated through two perspectives. In the poems there are various ideas persuaded by each author about the conceptions of death and how death and the afterlife effects the situation. As the similarities and differences are exclaimed through each poem, the theme of death has impacts on the afterlife perception. Throughout both poems, the similarities have include the theme of death with the influence of great power. Each poem references religion, more specifically the Christian God and how death has no power over a person. On the bottom of the statue, …show more content…

Each point of view the authors imagined has an effect of how each story was told. Shelley has interpretations explaining how nothing will be able to last forever because in the end people and things will be forgotten. The conception of death in Donne’s poem is the opposite, he takes the approach of how death is not the end of one’s life. This is explained when the speaker has references to the beliefs of heaven and the dead would not stay dead forever, but would enter the after life over time. “Death thou shalt die” (14) is an example of how there is known to be hope for the undiscovered future. With the concept of death being personified in Donne’s poem, a substantial remark can be left with the reader when the idea of overthrowing the power and fear of death as the topic becomes personal if one has that fear. When this is compared to the inference of the King’s power living after his death, the power of the kingdom he once had was demolished along with the civilization he once ruled. This is shown when the statue was degrading and there is nothing around the statue other than flat land. The King’s power did not live, and the concept of “All good things come to an end” (Geoffrey Chaucer) can be

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