
Dear: A Defense Case Study

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On Wednesday, a judicial ruling in Colorado has again declared that Robert Lewis Dear, 57, who was accused of killing three people in an abortion clinic in Colorado Springs, is mentally incompetent to appear in court. This ruling followed a report from Colorado Mental Health Institute at Pueblo Museum (CMHIP) where Dear has been undergoing mental therapy since May.

His supposed mental disorder has been detected during two hearings in April and May to present his case. As KTLA reported, there were several outbursts in the trial process as Dear, for instance pleaded guilty while refusing to recognize his lawyer. He once interrupted an argument by emotionally telling the court about “the atrocities” he said he saw in the Planned Parenthood clinic …show more content…

According to CNN, these, and other statements by Dear, have brought the judges to the conclusion of his mental incompetence.

"Competency is a determination of the defendant's current mental status,” said 4th Judicial District Judge Gilbert Martinez following the latest hearing on Wednesday. Martinez added, that it is always possible to mentally incompetent people to be restored, and so is the case with Dear. There are indeed cases of people being permanently incompetent, but those are rare, he said.

Despite the demand by prosecutors, Dear’s lawyers insisted that forcing their client to appear again at court may disrupt his currently ongoing mental treatment. It is even considered impossible for Robert Lewis Dear to make trips during treatment, says Fox News. He has to be put under 24 hours-a-day watch.

Hospital staff will report to the court every 90 days on whether Dear can be considered competent to stand another trial process. He is scheduled for another competency hearing in November 17. The court will also decide on two proposals, namely about forcing Dear to take medication, and about preventing him to talk to the

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