
Deaf People Research Paper

Decent Essays

Accommodations Needed for Deaf People-urooj
Hearing loss is the decreased ability to hear, it can range from mild to severe. However, it is important to understand that hearing loss is not a representation of intelligence or ability. Deaf people can do everything a hearing person can do except hearing. Equal opportunity employers hire deaf people with accommodations until undue hardship. The real cause of unemployment is the systemic discrimination which needs to be eliminated. Another aspect to consider is, whether the ability to hear is a bona fide occupational requirement. It is, then important for the deaf to realize that every job does not have the possibility to be accommodated. There are definitely limitations on the people experiencing hearing loss. …show more content…

When scheduling an interview, it is important to ask the candidate of he/she would like a sign language interpreter. In some cases, it is good to provide the candidate with a written copy of the interview questions to read prior to the interview. The interviewer should use hand gestures and facial expressions in addition to the verbal communication to aid the candidate in understanding the interview questions.
When a deaf employee is hired by a company, there are many accommodations that the company can provide. Some important accommodations include recording and transcribing meetings, install lighted fire alarms, using a two-way text messaging rather than voice phone, using a conferencing phone with a headset for better sound and many more.
There are many incidents where people have reported how accommodations have helped them. On example is that, “A medical technician who was deaf, could not hear the buzz of a timer, which was necessary for specific laboratory tests. An indicator light was attached to the equipment. Cost $27” (Job Accommodation Network Pg. 14).
Evaluating Accommodations and the Importance of Self-Advocacy

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