
Deaf Camp

Decent Essays

The summer of 2015, I went on a deaf camp titled T.I. Deaf Camp. Short for Teen Insitue Deaf Camp. Now because i’m hard of hearing but I stand out as a deaf person, friends came naturally, almost as if you was the hottest thing in Cosmo magazine. In other words myself and others was noticed instantly. Now also I realized that we had some kids who was only partially deaf (not full deaf) and they had hearing aids on and everything but also they didn’t know American Sign Language, it was so different and weird to work with them and during special events such as team basketball, volleyball or even during scavenger hunts etc. Both kids who could sign and couldn’t were very distance from each other. I didn’t know the answer to this conflict, so myself …show more content…

Ringo explains that people who are hearing think that the Deaf would like to be hearing and have America’s finest technology. Technically it’s the other way around for Deaf feel that if one was to lose their their deafness and to become hard-of-hearing; it’s a lost in their culture. Causing both hearing and deaf to confused themselves in the major yet minor problem. To receive expensive technology which can make the deaf hear better than before causes those people received an CI to adapt to Oralism, therefore no longer needing ASL, resulting in loss of Culture to the Deaf. Ringo’s comments research to this “To members of Deaf culture, American Sign Language is a cultural …show more content…

Deaf Culture is a true culture just like any other. It has a language, beliefs, rules for behavior, traditions, and everything else every other culture has. However, without sign language, there would be no Deaf Culture. Sign language is the language that ties the culture together. And having a Deaf culture has significantly impacted the lives of deaf people throughout history. With Deaf culture, deaf people have a group they can identify with, a place where they are comfortable and just like everyone else, one where they can have role models, real friends, and join sports

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