
Deadly Sins In Dante Alighieri's The Divine Comedy

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Discussing some of the Deadly Sins
Dante had his fair share of the real human experience, whilst traveling through hell in Dante Alighieri’s “The Divine Comedy”. Characters in literature have been popularized since this masterpiece to favor sins as a type of personality trope. The lazy bum, the angry husband, or the prideful peacocks; the list goes on and on. The cause and effect of these traits have served well to teach generations of readers, the ideas and meanings of our actions as humans. Although it is rare, some works leave open ended plots for us to contemplate the meaning of said sin. In conjunction to some of the deadly sins, the main characters from “The Cask of Amontillado”, “The Veldt”, and “Soliloquy of the Spanish Cloister”, all display a truth about human nature.
When considering the character of Montresor of Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado,” people often end the story either feeling disturbed, satisfied, or both. For those in favor of satisfaction we can derive that they understand the justification on Montresor’s side of it. At times, pride is to be considered a form of dignity (Neu 55). A sense of dignity indeed, for it was that dignity that prompted such a strong desire to sin. “The nature of my soul,” is what Montresor tells us whilst vowing silent vengeance over an insult; a thought befitting a person aware of their own pride (Poe 174). Our protagonist feels no remorse since he believes he is in the right. Professor Jerome Neu of the

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