
Deadly Deception Essay

Decent Essays

In the early 19th century in Alabama and many other states our country had a very serious racial divide. Most of the white community was deeply racist which lead to an experiment in Alabama known as “Bad Blood” to the local black people. The government was calling it the Tuskegee Study of Untreated Syphilis in the Negro Male.
“The Deadly Deception” I believe is still going on in our modern time, maybe not in the U.S. that we know about, but in other countries where regulations are not as stringent. I personally do believe it is still happening.
Studies like the one in the Film “The Deadly Deception” where unethical studies with someone being experimented on and the tester didn’t fully explain the risks and the real dangers involved but the …show more content…

They were not told the real purpose of the research being conducted or the factors which could place them in harm, or what the description of the illness was and what was truly being tested. The doctors and workers conducting the study were generally unconcerned with the welfare of the black men being used in the study.
This study was able to be held due mostly to the segregation of black people at the time and the little to no regulations by the government in the early 1930’s that should have been in place to ensure that there were ethical and moral practices being used. Had this study or type of experiment taken place with another race but at the same period of time I do believe that the results would have been similar due to the nature of the time period and segregation.
There are many more regulations in place today to ensure these type of studies do not take place, but those regulations are only upheld in a few countries. Many other 3rd world countries to not have the structure to provide these protections, and this type of issue could easily take place in modern times. Where the racial hate and mindset thrive there will continue to be atrocities

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