
Dead Orca Research Paper

Decent Essays

In 2002, a deceased female orca was discovered on Dungeness Spit in Washington. The dead orca contained 1000 parts per million (ppm) PCBs, an estimated six times more than the average Pacific Northwest orca (1). PCBs, or polychlorinated biphenyls, are a type of manufactured chemical. Their use was predominantly within electrical equipment, acting as coolants or lubricants, along with being used in paints, cement, or other common material (2). Such chemicals are a large issue in the PNW, despite being banned decades ago.
Today, killer whales are in danger of becoming extinct due to pollution of substances like PCBs. Due to biomagnification, chemicals like those mentioned only magnify in populations higher on the food chain. How does this effect the orca population? Pollution at these levels are creating various health issues in the large mammals and decreasing their numbers rapidly. Equally worrisome is the fact that humans consume the same contaminated food as orcas (e.g., salmon). …show more content…

Generally containing about 150 ppm, killer whales are known to have numerous issues due to these high levels of contaminants (3). Seals have been known to have immune complications when carrying less than 10 ppm PCBs (3). Hence, orcas are heavily effected, facing a shorter life expectancy, birth defects, chromosomal issues, and cancer (4). Unfortunately, salmon is one of the top contributors to the pollution in orcas, and a food source for the majority of humans. In consequence, people are at risk for the same negative effects of biomagnification as orcas. For this reason, there is often a recommended limit on seafood consumption. Some examples of PCBs’ effects on humans are cancer and development problems

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