
Dead Man Walking: Death Penalty in America Essay

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Capital punishment, otherwise known as “The Death Penalty,” has been around for many years and has been the cause of death for over twelve hundred inmates since 1976 (“Death Penalty Information Center”), but is the Death Penalty really beneficial to the American public? This question is in the back of many people’s minds, and has left many questioning the meaning of the punishment. The death penalty targets murderers or high profile cases. Some say that the death penalty should apply to those who murder, rape, or abuse human beings such as children, or women. The significance of the penalty is to teach these criminals that there are laws that must be followed. In a figurative sense, it is to teach those potential wrongdoers a lesson. By …show more content…

However, supporters would suggest that the act is keeping criminals and other bad people off the streets and out of the population. Which viewpoint is sounder? Well, the opposition would suggest that society show mercy towards these criminals by keeping them locked up for life, but had they shown mercy to their victims, then they would not be in this situation. Though the opposition’s viewpoint is true, they cannot refute the fact that it was the criminal’s performance of the crime that lead to their outcome. Criminals should recognize the reasons for the laws and abide by them. Many of the criminals who have murdered someone have been incarcerated and awaiting trial, giving them a chance to think about what they have done. However, eventually, they are released on parole, and a murderer is loose in the community claiming to be a changed person, though remaining completely capable of committing the crime again. Having the death penalty insures that the public is safe. This reasoning is shared by thirty four out of fifty states that still perform the death penalty (“Death Penalty Information Center”). A second area of disagreement in the death penalty debate that rages in America is the actual “cost” of the execution. For example, the supporters of

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