
Deactivating The Mouse Trap Analysis

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Phillip it is clear that you have a complete explanation of the back ground requirement that so many employers utilize to classify potential employees. Yet with this classification many very capable candidates are quickly eliminated for either old run in’s with the law or youthful ignorance. To this end, we as a society have alienated the youth who have fallen into the trap of conviction of a crime. Clearly it is not necessary to penalize people who have repaid their debt to society for their life making them unfit for hire. The question is what is the answer to solve this injustice that is imposed on these candidates? In my view companies could have what they call a conditional hire that would go longer for a year than a traditional 90 day …show more content…

The author goes on to discuss the facets of the restoration of civil rights for a felon who was released yet in doing so the right to possess a weapon is not allowed by the federal governments law. As the writing goes on, the author explains that the subject “Mr. Richard Raymond Glaser” is described as unknowingly violated a felony possessing a fire arm in spite of being renewed as a citizen of Washington State (Stavis, 2010, p.656). Additionally, the author reveals that the travesty in this case is the state’s effort to renew the civil rights of Mr. Glaser in- spite of the laws that are on the books. Their inference, that Mr. Glaser would be renewed is a good thought but not the true reality of integration into society. Many felons face not only public isolation but also financial exclusion to credit or even the ability to rent an apartment that hinders their ability to re-enter successfully. So when a company excludes a felon from potential employment, it becomes clear that the playing field is not balanced or even fair to felons of lesser crimes. In conclusion, the idea that all felons are coupled together where heinous crime and simple drug possession felons face the same challenges is ridiculous. Our society must find better ways to support these felons where a structured release embodies all of the support that these people need to be successful. Felons of all types of crimes should not be released and set out on their own with $100 and allowed to fend for themselves and begin the act of failure all over again. We as a society must change our past practices and support the idea of change for the betterment of our country through viable opportunities for our incarcerated

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