
Dbq World War 1

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WW1 DBQ There were many causes to World War One. It was a gruesome war and many people were killed by many brutal ways. It took place in Europe from 1914-1918. The countries in the war consisted of two different sides the allies and the central powers. The allies consisted of Serbia, Russia, France, United Kingdom, Italy, Belgium and United States. The central powers consisted of Germany, Bulgaria, Austro-Hungarian Empire and the Ottoman Empire. So why did the war start? Was it because of alliances? Militarism? Imperialism? Nationalism? While let me explain how each of those could have caused the war.
One reason World War One was ignited was because many countries had built up weapons and strong military’s. After spending lots of money one weapon, “Great Britain increased spending by $9.04; France by $4.15; Germany by $6.31” (Document 1). Since they had spent so much money they all …show more content…

Many of the countries wanted to show their strength and a good way to do that is with territories, “that nations being competing unites, advantage in the last resort goes to the possessor of preponderant military force, the weaker goes to the wall, as in the other form of the struggle for life….”( Document 4). This shows that they needed to get land to show off because you look weak when you don’t have that much land. When they try to compete for land that can make other countries mad and then spark a war. Another example is when they try to make other countries listen to the rules of theirs so they can say they rule the country, “[The] Royal Government see themselves compelled to demand from the Royal Serbian Government a formal assurance that they condemn this dangerous propaganda against the Monarchy….” (Document 12). This shows that when countries want to impose laws on other countries it can cause arguments. In conclusion that shows the third reason why World War One may have

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