
Dbq Women's Rights

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The Constitution of the United States of America is apparently one of the best documents ever to be written. For quite a long time, individuals have dependably thought the Constitution has been honored and adored, however this is not the situation. Prior to the Constitution, the Articles of Confederation managed the settlements, yet was immediately abolished in light of the fact that they were excessively powerless. On September 17, 1787, the constitution was made for the representatives, who at last got an understanding and endorsed the documents over which they had toiled since May. The constitution created another structure for American improvement. The endorsement of the constitution indicates that no less than nine of …show more content…

Without women the government and the police could not take any actions. Women enforced the boycotts which were fundamental to the success of the patriots; this is because without women, the movement would have failed. Women can be considered as founders because similarly to men, women were an important factor to us receiving our freedom. Although many people claim that women did not do anything important because some women did not have the right to even speak and most women who were married were considered none existent financially because their husbands represent their interest; however many women decided to destroyed this myth that they did not make any significant impact in our history. Catherine Clinton an acclaimed Author stated in her book that white women had the greatest potential of political and economic equality and indeed some enjoyed privileges not extended to women of color (Clinton 4). This inequality was one driving factor in the establishment of the women’s movement. The New nation believed that women’s talents and energies, which were really influential in the struggle for independence would be better used in the New Republic. Women also helped their husband in the war; they left their homes and they went out in the battle fields to take care of their husband needs. Some of them were assistant their husband and other soldiers as a nurses. Women also maintained soldiers healthy. Without women those many soldiers would have died and others would not have been physical or healthy enough to fight for their nation’s liberty. Women were running the household and the farms when their husbands left to war; they were responsible for taking care of their children, servants, slaves and defending the home against enemy soldiers. Women demonstrate that they can do multiple things at a time, and that they can do men’s job and more than

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